It sounds like you worked for them a while back, and may be the circumstances were better because of the size of the chain. Chances are it isn't that way now. The same has happened with Wal-Mart. The store used to have integrity...but I digress.
It's been my belief that the talent pool has been spread too thin to have that many GCs be good. To fill a store with x amount of employees and have them be knowledgeable on several products and a passion for helping people find what they need musically, it might could happen if there weren't 5+ other stores in a 50 mile radius trying to do the same thing. My first GC experience was in '95 in Houston. It was a trek for a group of us. It was planned in adavance and there were usually a few strangers, or friends of friends, tagging along that heard we were going. We only went a few times a year and made a day of it. It was a magic place because it had all the name brands in every style and color under one roof. Back then, they'd let you play the stuff like they do now, but they made sure you weren't wearing anything that could scratch the gear. If you were just wanking or jamming, they'd put an end to that real quick too. Now I would drive past 3 to get to that one. The last few times I've been in one, I couldn't count the instruments on one hand that were missing knobs.