Look, it's not a punishment that some guitars don't quite qualify to enter the contest.
There are different qualifications every month, and for what it's worth- if a Fender or Gibson forum held a similar drawing,
do you suppose for a second that anything half gibson or half fender would qualify to them?
Nobody's racist against your guitar; it just is not applicable in some cases. It doesn't mean it's any less of an instrument, it just means that
for Warmoth "popularity contests", not much of our votes will go to the dark horse, which is really no big deal anyway if you fancy it a highschool poll.
And it's more than a popularity contest, it's a real speculative couple of moments where everybody here sees what everybody else has got and stops and admires the distinct choices we've all made.
You see guitars you really love, guitars you hate, and guitars you WISH you'd've thought up first.
Respectively, I am shooting for GOTY 2010.
JUST WATCH :guitaristgif:
I'm trigger-happy tonight, boys.
p.s go ahead and enter whatever it is, I meant absolutely no offense, I just can't stop the adrenaline :icon_jokercolor: