
Gtr Of the Month Criteria

This is a Warmoth msg board. The vast majority are Warmoth owners. Now, I don't understand the argument that people should be able to enter a none Warmoth guitar in the contest. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get that at all.
AndreG said:

Sorry, but I'm fairly new to the Forum and for the life of me I can't see any place that describes how one gets on the list of Guitar of the Month candidates.

I posted a guitar that I built in the a different section of the forum.  Was that wrong? Is there a specific place that one has to put their pics? 


You or anyone can nominate your instrument for GOTM by posting a pic of it in the current thread when it appears.  Just remember to have it fit the criteria that alternates every other month, professionally or Warmoth finished, or Owner/DIY finish.

As far as where to post it for general appreciation, questions and comments, you post a new topic on the homepage in the appropriate body style section.
I've refrained from entering any of my Warmoth, half-moth or whatever else guitars for two reasons:
1)  Finch is right, it is a popularity contest, at least somewhat.
2)  Many of my guitars are "true" Warmoths because they ARE half-moths.  Some of you young-ins might not appreciate or remember this, but Warmoth was birthed in replacement guitar parts.  We made our good guitars better.  When I shattered the body of my '63 Tele, it was Warmoth that I turned to.  When my Strat neck or my Jazz bass neck were lacking life, it was Warmoth replacements that went on there.  
I appreciate the modular, DIY approach to building that Warmoth has always helped foster, and it mildly insults me when people act snobby about how Warmoth parts should be used.  Warmoth does not crank out production (or even custom) guitars.  They make PARTS, ffs.  I'm not going to buy a piece from Warmoth just for the "I'm a cool kid now" factor.  I buy specific Warmoth parts because they serve the perfect purposes that they're designed for.

AprioriMark said:
1)  Finch is right, it is a popularity contest, at least somewhat.

Why didn't you tell me before?  I would have enjoyed my time as' most popular person of the year 2009' a bit more.. :tard:

I am going to disagree though, we had lots of winners that were fairly new to the forum when they won.. (not that there is a minimum requirement for being popular? or is there? for fucks sake, this is not a highschool is it???)
OK...as the originator of the contest, it was meant to showcase customer built guitars.  To date, almost ALL have been 100% Warmoth.  We did let big bob enter his laminate special with a Warmoth neck.

My thoughts are if someone slaps a WARMOTH neck on a body they custom build, that qualifies.

I would like to see either a neck or body from WARMOTH required.  Want I want to avoid is a warmoth neck on some other mass produced body.

I would be happy to set up a poll but I think Iwill know how it will go.

Bottom line is...we are all very "in the know" here.  If something smells like a rat...we won't vote for it.
Doughboy said:
This is a Warmoth msg board. The vast majority are Warmoth owners. Now, I don't understand the argument that people should be able to enter a none Warmoth guitar in the contest. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get that at all.

I agree. Warmoth neck and body for entry makes sense to me as far as contests. Not that its a huge deal either way, but given the choice I'd rather just see Warmoths here. I can look at Fenders and Frankenstein builds tons of places on the intenet already

*I have Fender-logo'd full Warmoths and I don't even enter those btw
Look, it's not a punishment that some guitars don't quite qualify to enter the contest.
There are different qualifications every month, and for what it's worth- if a Fender or Gibson forum held a similar drawing,
do you suppose for a second that anything half gibson or half fender would qualify to them?
Nobody's racist against your guitar; it just is not applicable in some cases. It doesn't mean it's any less of an instrument, it just means that
for Warmoth "popularity contests", not much of our votes will go to the dark horse, which is really no big deal anyway if you fancy it a highschool poll.

And it's more than a popularity contest, it's a real speculative couple of moments where everybody here sees what everybody else has got and stops and admires the distinct choices we've all made.
You see guitars you really love, guitars you hate, and guitars you WISH you'd've thought up first.

Respectively, I am shooting for GOTY 2010.
JUST WATCH :guitaristgif:
I'm trigger-happy tonight, boys.

p.s go ahead and enter whatever it is, I meant absolutely no offense, I just can't stop the adrenaline :icon_jokercolor:
So, to return to the original subject, how about allowing 'either/both' in the 'user finished' category and only 'both' in the 'W/Pro finished' category? In that way you would allow custom bodies (I would expect you would also finish the body if you made it in the first place) and non-W bodies that have been owner refinished, but avoid a simple bolt-a-W-neck-to-a-squier-body job.
IMHO there's no need to rule out this or that, the voting will do that. Use this for rules:

1) Allow either/both anywhere.

2) If either the body or neck is pro finished, the category is pro finish.


Why does it have to be complicated? So a guy bolts a raw Warmoth neck on a Custom shop Fender or GC Squier. So what? Does anyone really think that would win in Pro Finish? Ever? If he refinishes the body by himself, maybe. But then he deserves to be in the running.

Let people play, the votes will work it all out.