Grounding Issue?

Really, in an all-humbucking guitar, the wiring in the control cavity shouldn't be causing an issue, however shoddy and unshielded. That's unless your house/venue wiring is really bad. So I'm glad you got it sorted.

It sounds like there's a problem with that '59. Two conductor and four conductor should be the same exact pickup, just that the series link is exposed. If it's quieter and noisy there's something up. Might be worth getting that looked at.
Yeah I know they should be the same, that's why I was surprised  :blob7:  to hear the 4 conductor work. When the 2 conductor didn't.
I always get 4 conductor pups, I did buy that 2 conductor by mistake  :doh:

Agree this 2 con 59' must have an issue.
Oh well, something else to pull apart and play with now  :laughing7:
One of the coils on that 2 conductor 'bucker must be disconnected internally. That knocked it down to a single coil, which made it noisy and cut its output in half.