
gretsch love


Hero Member
how many of you own a gretsch guitar?

which model?

what kinda music do you play with it?

any mods you have done especially with regards pickups? for example is it possible to convert any gretsch into a standard p90 guitar?

appreciate the feedback.

ps : i have twice tried (import) gretsches in different shops in nyc - found them to be eminently playable.
Way back when I was in my 20's (too long ago) I had a Gretsch Chet Atkins Tennessean - probably a 60's model. It's the one with painted f-holes (semi hollow).  I was just learning guitar for the first time back then, but it was a fantastic guitar as I recall it. Very nice player. It had stock Filtertrons on it, which didn't need any replacement IMO. I'm still kicking myself for selling that guitar.
i cant believe that 68 people read this post and only one responded!

does this mean none of you own a gretsch? if so, why not?

are they considered country guitars or something like that? is that the reason?
vtpcnk said:
i cant believe that 68 people read this post and only one responded!

does this mean none of you own a gretsch? if so, why not?

are they considered country guitars or something like that? is that the reason?
I'd love a gretsch, but the ones I like are out of my price range. A good friend of mine's grandmother (who I'm also friends with) is friends with Fret Gretsch and his wife.
I used to own a little 3/4 scale hollow body Gretsch.  I got it mid '80's and it had to be twenty years old when I bought it.  It was really cheaply made, from Gretsch's dark days.  It crackled and popped, and you could really move the neck, but it souned great.  Real raunchy tone, beautiful to my ears.

My brother owns one an orange 6120.  Pretty much the classic Gretsch, with Bigsby.  Its plays really nice, and has a great tone.  I like Gretschs, but they do have a certain vibe or tone all their own.  You have to want that sort of thing.

As much as I love P90s, I would not swap a P90 into a Gretsch.  Gretschs have their own great sound, and I'm not sure that a P90 would improve it.
This guy from Australian band The Living End plays various Gretsch guitars, and has his signature model. I used to like his work back in the day.

I don't have a "real" Gretsch, but I do have a fabulous copy of one I built.... :icon_biggrin:
Cletus said:
That's deliciously tasty. What pups are they by the way?
At that particular moment it had some GFS Loudmouths. But now it's got a Dimarzio Tone zone in the bridge and Air Norton in the neck..

Here's the neck plate I made for it... :icon_biggrin:
Here you go VTP, this should keep you happy.......................right click and view image to get a smaller, less out of focus look.

My 1967 Country Gentleman. I use it for jazz, country, fingerstyle....blues, anything but shred really.

I took this picture one morning as the Gretsch bathed in the morning light :icon_smile:

