
Green Strat (my wife says it looks like a lizard)

Volitions Advocate

Hero Member
The guys at the local shop are teasing me that they need to bring in green guitars or I'll never buy one from them.

anyway. here's the guy half assembled.  this is just fitted together.

Spike warned me that I'd have about a 90 percent chance that my bridge from my squier would fit but there was a chance it woudln't.  So I crossed my fingers and it didn't work. the mounting holes didn't line up.  So I went around town looking for a bridge. figured I'd never find one. the best place to go had everything but a normal fender strat bridge.  But the one place I figured would have nothing had this grover bridge way in the back where the repairs are done.  It fits, the only difference is that its got 4 holes drilled in it instead of 6 but they line up so off I go.  Grover hasn't disappointed me yet so here's hoping.

My 5 - way switch was stolen from my squier too and I'm a little confused about it.  I'm using THIS WIRING DIAGRAM but they show the 5 way with 4 lugs on each side and my 5 way has 8 in a row.  how do I treat that?  Do i just act like they're all in a row from one end to the other? Thats my assumption.
(sorry for the blurry pic, im sure you get the idea)

And I dont have the humbucker installed in the P/G yet because I don't have the screws and springs for it.  I've gotta find them.  Does W sell them? Stewmac does. I'm crossing my fingers that somebody in town can find some.
related to that is my last problem...  I'm sure the guys at W have a lot of this stuff to do. bagging all the electronics.  but they messed up on one of my pots  :sad1:


2 washers and 1 nut :( I can't mount my volume knob.  Do you suppose that warmoth would waive the 25 dollar minimum if I ask them to get me another nut and some humbucker mounting screws?  I realize its a trivial little part I'm sure I could find at the local electronics store.  I"m just worried I wont find anything in this little city.

The pickups are nothing special. the 2 singles are from my squier. they'll work for now. and the humbucker is just a stock "duncan designed"  Sometime in the future I'll get a decent set. but this was a budget build for now.
This'll be a looker when its altogether.

You mentioned about the pot.  It might just be me, but in the pic (which is a little blurry) it looks like the second nut is screwed all the way down to the body of the pot, so you may be OK, you might be a ble to raise it.  As I say, it may just be a trick 'o' the light, and/or my eyes deceiving me.

Either way this one'll be good.  Which pups are you using?  The old Squier ones or have you bough in a new set?

Nice One Centurion  :icon_thumright:

The bridge seems like a major oversight considering this is a very detail oriented build.  Some build entire guitars around the bridge, and this was just a, "We'll see what anybody has that fits."  Fear not about the 4-holes.  SRV had just the outside two on some of his six-scew type, and that was with 5 trem springs and uber string tension.  Looking good.
The bridge will work.  Mostly this build is centred around fixing the things I didn't like on my strat.  #1 being the nut width which was very tiny.  The bridge will work fine,  this one is very obviously what grover considers to be an after market "upgrade" for a standard fender.  When i was saying "here's hoping" what I meant was I know its no hipshot or wilkenson but I'm hoping it'll play nice and feel good, certainly better than the squier bridge I had on the other strat.

and for Jimh:
The pickups are nothing special. the 2 singles are from my squier. they'll work for now. and the humbucker is just a stock "duncan designed"  Sometime in the future I'll get a decent set. but this was a budget build for now.

EDIT: oh yeah. and its not a nut at the bottom of the pot shaft.  the base is just shaped like one.

My bad  :icon_thumright:  Didnt see the last line on your original post.  Plum!

You should really hide those boots, you're kinda letting the cat out of the bag.... :o

Nice geeetar too... :icon_biggrin:



Mommy? Where is Fluffy? :doh:

By the way-nice boots and nice axe. We have a don't ask don't tell policy here so don't worry-your secret is safe with us :laughing8:

note to viewers: no animals were harmed in the making of this guitar           
I got the humbucker from a friend who replaced his bridge pickup in his tele with a Phat Cat.  So he gave me the old HB inside the phat cat box.  So last night after installing the machine heads and the bridge and painting the control cavities I decided I'd take a look under the foam in the box and voila! there were the mounting screws and springs.  So the HB is installed in the PG now.  all I need is a nut for my volume pot and I can wire this thing up.

Also I don't know if I"ve set up my bridge properly. I"ll get pics up but its really really really tough to push down on the tremolo arm.  Maybe I just need strings on it to be able to really tell.

anyway. once I get that nut I can wire it up and then all thats left is to drill the holes for the P/G and put the neck on.  Then once I've got strings on I can figure out where to put the string retainers on the head stock.. and before I wire it up I have to countersink the screwholes on the P/G for my single coils and the 5 way. the screws I have need it.

and yeah. thats my wifes knee.
Volitions Advocate said:
Also I don't know if I"ve set up my bridge properly. I"ll get pics up but its really really really tough to push down on the tremolo arm.  Maybe I just need strings on it to be able to really tell.

how many springs do you have in the back? Also you don't want to tighten down the screws on the top too much.
When you get the strings on the tension will be less-strings pull one way and the springs the other way.
I always like to set mine up with the bridge smack against the top then tune to pitch and relieve the spring tension to the least amount but yet keeping the bridge contacting the face of the guitar for sustain reasons. But the screws for that type of bridge cannot be tightened right down flush-there has to be some room for the bridge edge to move-you'll see it when you get there-its not like a two point trems studs-these are different.
dirtycooter said:
the screws for that type of bridge cannot be tightened right down flush-there has to be some room for the bridge edge to move-you'll see it when you get there-its not like a two point trems studs-these are different.
+1 sounds like the bridge is too tight.  Killer Strat man  :guitaristgif:
There aren't nearly enough green guitars out there as there should be.  Awesome Strat (especially the color)!
yeah, i loosened the screws and put strings on it. works great.  Actually its the nicest trem bridge I"ve ever played on.  (I've never experienced a wilkinson or a hipshot, although I want to, and I"m not a flloyd fan)
Definitley and upgrade from Fender Stock.. Score 2 for grover in my park, I always use their machine heads.
Dude, that green is awesome! It's really making me want to refinish my quilt top bass. Did you do it yourself or was it a Warmoth finish?