
Great guitar faces

Cagey said:
Stevie Ray Vaughn...


I think a beer can caught him in the nuts there...
I think Stevie wins for the best(worst) guitar face.... :icon_thumright:
That's not what he wants. He just backed into the bass drum's microphone stand, that's all. At 02.31.004 he asks for a little help <grin>
Doughboy said:
This is kind of a guitar face...& boy did he look like a douche that deserved it!!!

LOL nu-metal. Guy deserved it.
Aussie Pete said:
To me, one of the more funnier photos is of a guitarist who hasn't played with a Wah Wah pedal a lot. They are usually the ones mouthing the effects. Rule #1 when playing with a Wah Wah:  SHUT YER MOUTH, lol.

like this you mean?

Vai has written some notes about his playing called the "little black pages" or somesuch. He talked about one of his exercises being to contort his face into different shapes and see what kind of notes come out of his guitar. But in looking at he, Joe Walsh, Andy Timmons and most of the youngest crowd, it's pretty obvious that "facial contortions" are just another subset of learning guitar anymore, along with "tuning up", "arpeggios" and "acting like it's skillful to make a feedback note last for 90 seconds." I had a friend who was a facial expert, and he could play exactly the same things with his face completely blank. No, that metal guy really isn't angry.... he just wants your money. And you don't really need to stand on your tiptoes to bend a note....
This guy explains this guitar face phenomena pretty well! @ 0:36




What's up with his cheek-suck-thing-stuff?  :icon_scratch:
Kaoskadosk said:
This guy explains this guitar face phenomena pretty well! @ 0:36




What's up with his cheek-suck-thing-stuff?  :icon_scratch:
Bill bailey is hilarious... :laughing11:
I am really glad that no one has a picture of me when I play. My wife tells me I make strange faces.
I actually used to come off long, 4-sets of one hour gigs with really tired eyebrows. And no one would tell me why, in between tittering. Thank the Great God Tezcatlipoca this was BEFORE all those cellphones-that-take-pictures thimbobs. I have seen concert "videos" on YouTube that make me ask the obvious Q:

Doesn't your arm get really really, really tired holding your phone over your head for a three-hour concert? I think by the encore, I couldn't ever hear the music, such would be the pain from my arm.... here is another in my sequence of GREAT MONEY-MAKING IDEAS (for someone else to do):

Make a special HAT for concerts, with a phone bracket on the end of a 18" telescoping rod.  :hello2:
Have at it....
Stub: two Head said:
Vai has written some notes about his playing called the "little black pages" or somesuch. He talked about one of his exercises being to contort his face into different shapes and see what kind of notes come out of his guitar. But in looking at he, Joe Walsh, Andy Timmons and most of the youngest crowd, it's pretty obvious that "facial contortions" are just another subset of learning guitar anymore, along with "tuning up", "arpeggios" and "acting like it's skillful to make a feedback note last for 90 seconds." I had a friend who was a facial expert, and he could play exactly the same things with his face completely blank. No, that metal guy really isn't angry.... he just wants your money. And you don't really need to stand on your tiptoes to bend a note....

Rick Brewster, lead guitarist for Australian band, The Angels (known as Angel CIty in USA), stood almost perfectly still in the same position on stage for the whole gig........while ripping out near note for note solos......wore dark sunglasses, poker face.  :cool01: