
Getting Crazed


Hero Member
The only good part about this is that I can say it occurred during a trip to Tokyo. Not sure why, as the temp between Tokyo and Hong Kong isn't that pronounced, and I carried it on the plane both ways, and didn't open it up for a few hours when I got home.

It's not through the top layer, and I can say it's already vintage looking.

I built it as a travel guitar, so I guess I ought not get too sad about it.

The temperature in an airplane can change a LOT in the cargo area - like from ground temps to someplace below freezing, then back again.

On that happy note - it looks REALLY nice.  Folks pay big bucks to have that done to their guitars with razor blades and all sorts of things.  And those jobs can be spotted a mile away!  That one there... was FREE!~
But not in the overhead baggage compartment, right? It was a carry-on.

Like you said, a lot of people pay someone to do it for them, so I ought to be glad!
There are large sudden pressure changes as you go up in altitude from the ground to flight altitude.  Your ears always tell you about it.  But, the finish has a difficult time with that as well.  The air inside planes is kinda odd.  Not very nice to finishes all the way around.

=CB= said:
Folks pay big bucks to have that done to their guitars with razor blades and all sorts of things.  And those jobs can be spotted a mile away!  That one there... was FREE!~
If he can reproduce that effect....I think he has a business opportunity.  :laughing7:

Seriously, it looks really nice.
Blue313 said:
=CB= said:
Folks pay big bucks to have that done to their guitars with razor blades and all sorts of things.  And those jobs can be spotted a mile away!  That one there... was FREE!~
If he can reproduce that effect....I think he has a business opportunity.  :laughing7:

Seriously, it looks really nice.

Sure, all he has to do is charter a plane to go from Hong Kong to Tokyo and back, then load it with guitars.

Not as common as next day tailors, and probably not the strangest business venture to be based in Hong Kong, but up there still...

More seriously, cabin air can be very dry air, unlike Hong Kong (never been to Tokyo.)  I'd look to changes in moisture content causing wood expansion/contraction long before cabin pressure was an issue.
Ouch! Still looks great though!
Probably the pressure, I'm guessing. Whatever the case is, it's sort of a shame...OR like you said you can just accept it and just get to rockin!

I'm still stunned by the fact that it came out so cool  :icon_thumright: