
Gecko 6

Bubinga Top
Mahogany Body
Maple Asymetric Neck
Rosewood Fretboard
Takeuchi Bridge
ASB-6 Bassline Pick Ups
STC-3A Bassline Electronics
Stainless Steal Frets
1 Coat of Mahogany Stain Front and back
4 coats Tru-oil on body
1 Coat Mahogany Stain on neck
4 Coats Tung-oil on neck
All black hardware
Thanks, it as a fun build. Very impressive on the sound too. Deep Dark and in your face was how it was discribed to me the other day.
I have to agree with that statement. This bass just totally rocks.
That's a sweeet top on that one!

My internet handle is kboman and I approve of this bass guitar.
Thanks everyone, I had alot of fun putting the kit together. The sad part is, I find myself coming back here, making plans for another Gecko 6'er. Time to sit back and think for awhile.
intrusted said:
Thanks everyone, I had alot of fun putting the kit together. The sad part is, I find myself coming back here, making plans for another Gecko 6'er. Time to sit back and think for awhile.
Ah... The good ol' GAS :laughing7:
At least, you have a Warmoth (you lucky sod :icon_jokercolor:), I only have the GAS

FYI: GAS = Gear Acquisituion Syndrome :icon_thumright:
Yup know all about the gas. 30 plus years playing and I still get gas alot. Poor wife of mine, she can't keep up with the things I need ( or her words, wants). Ah but I Love her and she loves my music, so I am not complaining.
Thank god for 32" computer monitors. If i wasnt using one i would never be able to see these pics  :laughing7:

Thats a beautiful bass  :icon_thumright:
That looks slammin man, very deep almost pastel colors...I've got some parts on the way for a new Gecko 5..solid bubinga body, heavy but it should look great!
Thanks, bubinga wood is all I prefer, but weight is an issue for me.  You will have to post pics when your done with yours.
Keep rocking the low end
awesome man. Yeah I grew to love bubinga from warwicks I owned...how does the stuff finish? I may let it go natural or just a simple 2 coat tung oil....