
G4 Short Scale


Junior Member
Extra light Alder - 3.4 lbs
Duncan Alcino MM/Duncan Hot Stack Jazz
Bartolini 3.4 preamp (concentric volumes, push/pull high and low mids, concentric treble/bass)
BadAss III through body bridge
Schaler BML lite tuners
D'Adarrio half rounds or GHS Bright Flats
Solid color gloss finish ( black or orange or dark green or dark purple) - suggestions? all hardware black
Canary/Canary 30' neck on the way
just waiting on the neck...



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Hey, that looks familiar!  :toothy11:

That was the body Warmoth originally made for me. I wanted the J pickup in the neck but they routed it in the bridge, so they made me another one:


Unfortunately the piece of alder used for the new one isn't as light or as pretty as the one you got. I'm glad to see this one get a good home, it's a really nice piece of wood! Our builds look really similar except I'm using a bubinga/bubinga 32" neck. I think dark green would look really cool with the canary neck and black hardware, but none of the options you gave sound bad. I look forward to seeing the finished product!  :headbang:
I guess I can thank the guys at W for the mistake, cause I was going to order the exact same body and then it just popped up in the showcase, Now I know why. One man's trash is another man's treasure LOL. I can't wait  to see your build finished, very cool design idea. Let us all know if you ever find replacement pup covers for the SD jazz, I think line6man made some out of wood.
It's very cool that this worked out so well! I just ordered a couple different sets of J bass pickup covers to see which one matches the Duncan MM cover the best. If they look good I'll send you the bridge pickup cover since I only need the neck.
bob7point7 your are gentleman and a scholar. I might end having to give you a producer credit on my build by the time I get it together. :icon_smile:
Looking forward to seeing the completed build.  MM+J is an underrated pickup combination, IMO.
Thanks all. Just commissioned a custom neck plate from dangerousr6! It's down to green or purple, my daughter's name is violet, so I am leaning in that direction.
I got the pup covers in the mail today. I can't wait to experiment with some colors, I will spray them as soon as I get the body back from the painter.
Thanks again Bobbie. :occasion14: