
Fresh start...

ocguy106 said:
People are far to quick these days to just call anything and everything ADHD.

Truer words have never been spoken.  I'm the exact opposite of ADHD, and it is frustrating.  It seems that many people with ADHD, stop with that.  "Well, I have ADHD...."  So what?  Apparently it's the one disease that people accept as is and rather than them learn to deal with and try to compensate for it, everyone has to cater to their ADHD.  Lately, it seems I've met more people with it than w/out it, which makes all of them normal.  The world has adjusted for ADHD.  If you don't have it, you're the weird one.  

I blame the Raps.
Max said:
line6man said:
...even having a girlfriend just never appealed to me. It seemed so stupid, and it did not achieve any purpose. I would rather be doing my own thing.
Heh. heheh.


I felt the same way for a long time, then I found one girl that appealed to me. Then, we dated, and later went back to just really close friends.

I still feel that way, im 20, never really bothered with the opposite sex. sure theres the odd girl or 2 but i honestly only care about my guitar and creating music. Even the many freinds i have i would still rahter be practicing with a metronome or experimenting with harmony then actually talk to them. seriously.
Yeah, Gary, I was diagnosed with ADHD. I liked using it as an excuse, but I soon decided I would not take drugs to change who I was, I'd much rather change myself by myself. I basically calmed down a lot in middle school, and because more like the Max you guys see here. Actually, I may have overdone it. I don't really get emotional anymore, which causes problems in the rare situation.
elfro89 said:
I still feel that way, im 20, never really bothered with the opposite sex. sure theres the odd girl or 2 but i honestly only care about my guitar and creating music. Even the many freinds i have i would still rahter be practicing with a metronome or experimenting with harmony then actually talk to them. seriously.

I hear ya. I'm 20 aswell, and even though I have a girlfriend who I've been happily living with for two years now, my mind sometimes slips off to thoughts like "If she wouldn't have been here, I could've been playing guitar and practicing a helluva lot more.." but then it snaps back and I find myself silly for thinking such things. One part of me wants to be alone, one part of me wants to be with here, the latter part has the stronger punch though, because I know I wouldn't be able to cope with life in my current situation without her. Friends also never really appealed to me, it would be fine if we sat and played games for hours (which we mostly did) but talking crap and "hanging out" was never something I wanted to do. I love having discussions, but can't stand chit-chat, I see no point in it.

Also, as a general all out statement, I'm honestly happily surprised I'm even able to talk to people on a sane level about things like this on a forum. I've never experienced such acceptance and interest before. *blush* I love hearing your stories and I feel that I can relate to a lot of it and find.. belonging, I guess. I rarely meet people who have experienced things that I have or have similar thoughts or feelings. So thank you. Thank you for this discussion and I'm excited to see where it ends.  :icon_smile:
Kaoskadosk said:
elfro89 said:
I still feel that way, im 20, never really bothered with the opposite sex. sure theres the odd girl or 2 but i honestly only care about my guitar and creating music. Even the many freinds i have i would still rahter be practicing with a metronome or experimenting with harmony then actually talk to them. seriously.

I hear ya. I'm 20 aswell, and even though I have a girlfriend who I've been happily living with for two years now, my mind sometimes slips off to thoughts like "If she wouldn't have been here, I could've been playing guitar and practicing a helluva lot more.." but then it snaps back and I find myself silly for thinking such things. One part of me wants to be alone, one part of me wants to be with here, the latter part has the stronger punch though, because I know I wouldn't be able to cope with life in my current situation without her. Friends also never really appealed to me, it would be fine if we sat and played games for hours (which we mostly did) but talking crap and "hanging out" was never something I wanted to do. I love having discussions, but can't stand chit-chat, I see no point in it.

Also, as a general all out statement, I'm honestly happily surprised I'm even able to talk to people on a sane level about things like this on a forum. I've never experienced such acceptance and interest before. *blush* I love hearing your stories and I feel that I can relate to a lot of it and find.. belonging, I guess. I rarely meet people who have experienced things that I have or have similar thoughts or feelings. So thank you. Thank you for this discussion and I'm excited to see where it ends.  :icon_smile:

a 5 finger knuckle shuffle when no-ones around  :icon_thumright:  :toothy11:

as for hearing the stories. check this video someone posted in another forum, its the musicians comedy of the year.

Kaoskadosk said:
I love having discussions, but can't stand chit-chat, I see no point in it.


Except I don't mind chit chat in an IM conversation,  because I'm always doing something else at the same time, so it sort of doesn't bother me that I'm engaging in an activity that achieves no purpose, because I'm doing other things too. If that makes sense. :blob7:

Kaoskadosk said:
Also, as a general all out statement, I'm honestly happily surprised I'm even able to talk to people on a sane level about things like this on a forum. I've never experienced such acceptance and interest before. *blush* I love hearing your stories and I feel that I can relate to a lot of it and find.. belonging, I guess. I rarely meet people who have experienced things that I have or have similar thoughts or feelings. So thank you. Thank you for this discussion and I'm excited to see where it ends.

Honestly, this has never come up on the internet before, so I've never mentioned it until now, but I am surprised that everyone is supportive.
I would have guessed that everyone would be an boom-boom about it or perhaps feel sorry for me or something. It's nice to know that you guys are cool about these things.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm fascinated about the connection between creativity and Aspberger's.  I know it varies a lot from person to person, but it's exciting to me that people might potentially have different very viewpoints on music.  I know my buddy who wasn't diagnosed until his mid-20s is an AMAZING drummer and has a very unique work ethic. 

AprioriMark said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm fascinated about the connection between creativity and Aspberger's.  I know it varies a lot from person to person, but it's exciting to me that people might potentially have different very viewpoints on music.  I know my buddy who wasn't diagnosed until his mid-20s is an AMAZING drummer and has a very unique work ethic. 


And the funny thing is that I am NOT a creative person AT ALL, contrary to what people always think given how much I love music.
I'm about as un-creative as anyone you will ever meet. :dontknow:
like i said i may or may not have aspergers, i was good at music at a young age but not creatively, i could play piano and leaned things easily but to this day i cant write shit, i sometimes improvise stuff only to have trouble figureing out where to go and then give up. i was also good at drawing but lost interest, then i wound up in a drafting class which gave me a good starting point latter i wound up in a CAD class, not even my choice it is just how things worked out, turns out my forte is mechanical drafting. the more drafting i do the more i understand machines and the more i understand machines the better i get at drafting, i dont draw freehand, when things have a purpose it makes sense to me and i can piece it together, everything i do in cad is based around circles and triangles, i watch others in cad and i want to take the mouse from them and beat them over the head with it and be like "do it this way stupid""its not that hard." now im a machinist, its funny how life works out. maybe one of these days ill switch over to wood working and make guitars, from scratch. but i need to buy some more tools before i get into that.
I just saw this interesting video on TalkBass, thought it might be somewhat fitting to this thread?


OTOH, it doesn't surprise me, actually. Just further reinforces my belief that people with Autism are not necessarily mentally retarded or disabled,  just very different.

Thats amazing! I wouldnt be surprised if this has happened before and society just shunned the person expressing themself.
Patrick said:
Thats amazing! I wouldnt be surprised if this has happened before and society just shunned the person expressing themself.

I have to wonder how often this has happened throughout history, and people just didn't know about it.
The girl in the story was taught how to communicate via the computer. Lets say, hypothetically, this was a few decades ago before we had computers. Everyone would probably still believe she was mentally retarded and such.

How many other people exist in the world who on the outside appear to be mentally retarded, physically disabled, etc., but are capable of a much higher level of thinking than anyone recognizes...

their outlook on the world is so different, each autistic person's potential form of communication would be completely different from one another. Carly's parents should consider themselves very lucky to have found hers.
Patrick said:
their outlook on the world is so different, each autistic person's potential form of communication would be completely different from one another. Carly's parents should consider themselves very lucky to have found hers.

Yes, that's true.
I have to imagine that, being in her shoes, she must have felt "trapped" all her life. Like she was a normal person, but limited by the body she was in. It must have been so wonderful when she was finally able to find a way to communicate.

Cagey said:
That is phenomenal. What's sad, though, is these kids are often very lopsided savants. They're either retarded, autistic or have suffered brain injuries that prevent them from ever developing properly and having a normal life. Some of them play an instrument, some can do complex maths in their heads at incredible speeds, some show other artistic skills far above the norm. But, those skills generally exist in a vacuum. They can remember how to play a complex musical piece, but not to use the toilet, and so on. So, while you envy their skills, be careful what you wish for. I'd love to be able to play like some of these kids, but not at the price.

yeah i watched a documentary about our brains, aparently everyone has the capability to perform unbeleivable tasks with the brain but we never learn how to utilize the brain to its full potencial, theres savants that can multitask like crazy, performing complex caculations whilst listening to the craziest music and being able to remember the entire peice and perform it on paino or whatever only having listened to it the once, whilst being able to remember a series of images which they draw to perfect perfection. its not even funny. Imagine if humanity were to develope such a way in education that open up all these areas of the brain. There would lots of smart people running around.