I think the tru-oil finish holds up quite nicely. It's not as hard as some finishes but it does feel very organic and warm and that's a plus to me. It's an easy finish to do and as mentioned if there are ever any bad scratches, it's easy to sand it a little and apply more. Another plus IMO.
I applied mine in the winter. I had the benefit of being able to control the environment. I applied it in a basement then brought it elsewhere to cure. After applying all coats, it does take quite a while for it to be fully cured. I would say after 3 months it was absolutely cured but I was playing it in 2 weeks no problem. I do strongly suggest sanding filler which the same company makes, for woods that have an open grain. Doing the filler would pretty much guarantee a glossy finish.
It's a forgiving finish to do and a lot of fun and satisfaction. Tru Oil is inexpensive and it would be worthwhile to try it out on a test piece to see what you think. BTW I think I used a total of one bottle of sealer and two of Tru-Oil for one body. EDIT* Two bottles because I went back, sanded off the first finish and then started over with sealer. I learned the hard way. :tard: