
Floyd Rose Rout Question...

Strat Avenger

Hero Member
Okay, first of all, I know that the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd do not share the same rout. Second of all, I am asking this question for a friend who wants to replace his Floyd in a B.C. Rich guitar.

What I am wondering is what rout does the Gotoh Floyd, or the Ping Floyd use?
Is it one of the two mentioned above, or something completely different altogether?
AFAIK the Ping & Gotoh are closest or identical to the dimensions of the OFR, unless they make more than the 1 model each I've seen.
Street Avenger said:
Okay, first of all, I know that the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd do not share the same rout. Second of all, I am asking this question for a friend who wants to replace his Floyd in a B.C. Rich guitar.

What I am wondering is what rout does the Gotoh Floyd, or the Ping Floyd use?
Is it one of the two mentioned above, or something completely different altogether?

The OFR and Schaller don't share the same rout. However, a Schaller FR will 'fit' in a OFR rout, but not vice versa.

I would recommend nothing but an OFR or a Schaller. Gotoh and Ping are knock-offs not of the same build/materials quality IMO (although I know people
have used both without issues), both of those should use the 'standard' OFR rout. As pointed out by SustainerPlayer, the cheap(er) clones will/might
have dimensional or fitting issues. YMMV.
I would recommend an ibanez trem to anybody.  They are just better, hands down.  Im only speaking about the original Ibanez Edge, Lo-Pro, and the newer Edge Pro though.    Also, slightly unrelated,

If I send warmoth a trem will they make a rout for it, even if its not available in the custom options menu?
ORCRiST said:
Street Avenger said:
Okay, first of all, I know that the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd do not share the same rout. Second of all, I am asking this question for a friend who wants to replace his Floyd in a B.C. Rich guitar.

What I am wondering is what rout does the Gotoh Floyd, or the Ping Floyd use?
Is it one of the two mentioned above, or something completely different altogether?

The OFR and Schaller don't share the same rout. However, a Schaller FR will 'fit' in a OFR rout, but not vice versa.

I would recommend nothing but an OFR or a Schaller. Gotoh and Ping are knock-offs not of the same build/materials quality IMO (although I know people
have used both without issues), both of those should use the 'standard' OFR rout. As pointed out by SustainerPlayer, the cheap(er) clones will/might
have dimensional or fitting issues. YMMV.

John Suhr uses Gotoh Floyd Rose Licensed bridges, and those are high-end guitars.

In any case, I just found out today that the guitar in question has a non-recessed rout, and it originally had a fixed bridge. The Floyd that is in it now is not an original, or a Schaller, or a Gotoh, or a Ping. I have no idea what it is, but it is not double-locking. 'Says "Licensed under Floyd Rose patent" etc. on it though.
ORCRiST said:
Street Avenger said:
Okay, first of all, I know that the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd do not share the same rout. Second of all, I am asking this question for a friend who wants to replace his Floyd in a B.C. Rich guitar.

What I am wondering is what rout does the Gotoh Floyd, or the Ping Floyd use?
Is it one of the two mentioned above, or something completely different altogether?

The OFR and Schaller don't share the same rout. However, a Schaller FR will 'fit' in a OFR rout, but not vice versa.

I would recommend nothing but an OFR or a Schaller. Gotoh and Ping are knock-offs not of the same build/materials quality IMO (although I know people
have used both without issues), both of those should use the 'standard' OFR rout. As pointed out by SustainerPlayer, the cheap(er) clones will/might
have dimensional or fitting issues. YMMV.

haha, dude you know your stuff!!!!

Gotoh's are BETTER than OFR's and schallers. the knifes ard harder, the arm isn't a screw in but a pop in, the steel is harder and more flexible so it won't break or chip. the blocks are a bit bigger. if even John Suhr claims this trem to be almost as good sounding as a vintage style trem, or nearly undistinguishable from a vintage style trem if you go with a regular nut and locking tuners, then it can't be a knockoff.

about PING: Ping has an official licence to make floyds. what knockoff? its a real floyd but with a zinc block. a block is easily changed: 30$.
I love when "Warmoth" guys sit around and bash something because its licensed. I mean obviously you understand the concepts of tweaking and customizing or just changing an already existing design. For the sake of credibility offer up some advice with knowledge or experience to back it up. If you can't there's nothing wrong with letting the topic go without your name or avatar being in it.