
Flatmount bridge on tremolo routed body?


Senior Member
Can it be done?

it's probably a stupid question, but as the sale draws to a close, i had an idea for an interesting build, but wanted the cheapest body possible, and I can't find any flatmounts at the lower end. It all seems to be tremolo. I'm getting an end of sale itchy trigger finger....
get the trem body, put a trem on it, block it and its nearly as solid as a flat mount
It is best to use an unfinished body to be painted with solid colour,    Blocking and glueing  the trem cavity with solid wood and filling in the gaps with wood filler should do the trick.  The only area you should make sure that will be completely flat is the tremolo arm portion of the bridge plate.  To get around it is, you can remove the metal block from a vintage tremolo and use the plate as a flat mount bridge.  The guitar will look as if it has a tremolo but it is actually hardtailed.  This mod is quite common.
There's even some people who make products to block them, but as every trem cavity I've seen has been a bit different, I personally would just whittle something out of cherry, mahogany or whatever other hardwood I could find (except maybe oak).


http://store.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=148    - (!) :hello2:
I used this http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Custom-Shop-Parts-Hot-Rod-Drop-Top-Convertible-Bridge?sku=361537 a couple of years ago on a chinese squier that I cut my guitar fixing teeth on.
Maybe you can find on the bay or somewhere, it seems to be discontinued. It worked well actually, it was a decent bridge. It is designed so that the screws enter the body wood outside of a typical trem route.
You could get one of the trem bodies from W, and just not have them drill anything, then there would be even more wood back there.
