
Flat Purple Painting???


Hi guys this is my first post and im here for help.

I'm starting my first build. I have just ordered an Adler V-2 Body and waiting for it to come in.

But i rather do the paint myself for a learning experience.

So the paint i want is a Flat Purple.
I want to do both body and head.
Just like this Ibanez here:
(im not really into this band for the fact that the singer dosent really appeal to the death metal audience)

Now is this sorta paint job hard?
How do i get this effect?

Thx for your time.
OMG, that makes me wanna take a baseball bat to that drumset,

Do you think that's what my dad was hearing 30 years ago when as a teen I was listening to Led Zep, VanHalen, AC/DC?
And he'd say "turn that crap down"

That is the total opposite end of the spectrum from hiphop, I guess I like the middle of the bell curve.

OH sorry, Jack, CB or Tonar , or anyone else can answer your real question
What pic/video that was there is not showing up now, you have a link? I went to the Ibanez site and don't see any flat purple guitars there, closest thing was an RG121H in "Crushed Dark Ruby", but that looks like a gloss metalflake finish.

Basically you need to:

1.) Fill the grain in the wood with grain filler till it's filled and sanded back smooth
2.) Shoot it with a couple of coats of sanding sealer, Sand back to #320
3.) Shoot it with whatever flat purple color toner/paint you can find that best matches the color you want.
4.) Shoot several coats of satin finish on top of that.

You could go either poly or nitro lacquer, if you like purple guitars you'll love nitro lacquer fumes.

Assuming you're doing a typical Ibanez type neck; maple with rosewood fretboard; maple doesn't need grain filling; just mask fretboard and shoot with a couple of coats of sanding sealer, sand back to #320; mask off everything but front of peghead and shoot that with the same purple as body, then finish with several coats of satin top coat.
Alfang said:
Do you think that's what my dad was hearing 30 years ago when as a teen I was listening to Led Zep, VanHalen, AC/DC?
And he'd say "turn that crap down"


If my room is total silence my dad tells me to turn that crap down.
so i know how it feels.

my dad listens to that stuff aswell and he hates the fact that im in a black metal band.

jackthehack said:
What pic/video that was there is not showing up now, you have a link? I went to the Ibanez site and don't see any flat purple guitars there, closest thing was an RG121H in "Crushed Dark Ruby", but that looks like a gloss metalflake finish.

Basically you need to:

1.) Fill the grain in the wood with grain filler till it's filled and sanded back smooth
2.) Shoot it with a couple of coats of sanding sealer, Sand back to #320
3.) Shoot it with whatever flat purple color toner/paint you can find that best matches the color you want.
4.) Shoot several coats of satin finish on top of that.

You could go either poly or nitro lacquer, if you like purple guitars you'll love nitro lacquer fumes.

Assuming you're doing a typical Ibanez type neck; maple with rosewood fretboard; maple doesn't need grain filling; just mask fretboard and shoot with a couple of coats of sanding sealer, sand back to #320; mask off everything but front of peghead and shoot that with the same purple as body, then finish with several coats of satin top coat.

wowie....pure instruction right there...cool thanx.....but im not gonna do an ibanez type neck. ima do rosewood with jet black ebony fret board.

and oh yeh heres a link for a video

Plus some questions:
I don't have a compressor and the paint sprayer thingy so would id have to use cans...what brand would you recommend?
is there a different process for rosewood than that maple process?

and are scalloped fretboards worth it?
ive read that they are good but sometime pressing on the notes a lil to hard changes the note of the fret so it depends on pressure for accuracy.

again thx for your time
one word: "headphones"

i can have them as loud as i want, and it gives me a reason to tune everyone out.
even if i can hear them, i just act like i didn't and they go away.  :glasses9:
Brand? Might be dictated by what you can find closest to that color of purple...

Deft will work for sanding sealer and satin top coats, can be found at Wal-Marts/Woodcraft Stores/Some Ace or True Value hardware
wow what is with that drum set. he can't actually use all that stuff. the best drummer i know plays with a single bass, a floor tom, a picalo snare and one other tom over the bass. that and a couple cymbals. helps him focus on HOW he plays not WHAT he plays.