
First Warmoth Project... How's this sound?

Rouse said:
Its all preference, do you want a hotter sound, a brighter sound, etc.? tell me what you want from the bridge then I'll give you some advice on which model would be best for your needs.
Well I really want to be able to hit the classic Tele bridge sound, but I wanted a lot of versatility too.  So the P-Rails are there for most of the versatility, and for the bridge I'm looking for the vintage sound, while staying as balanced with the P-Rails as possible.  Nice twang is a must, and a decent overdriven bridge sound is a major plus as well.

dNA said:
wow. simple and stunning. Definitely stick w/ that shell pickguard
Ya know, I never really liked tortoise shell pickguards, but when I saw the shell on this body... I fell in love with it.  I was originally going to do black, but I like the shell a lot more.  Maybe if I ever decide to switch to a standard single-coil neck I'll get a black pickguard for that setup.
Sounds like you want a typical Tele sound, I would go with this:
NQbass7 said:
Alright, advice taken  :glasses9:  I'm getting this close to pulling the trigger on the all Pau Ferro neck in the showcase... just gotta keep convincing myself that it's a good idea.  Hopefully won't take more than a day or two, I'm usually a pushover :toothy10:

All Pau Ferro sounds wonderful, but keep the weight in mind. It will be a heavy neck.
Rouse said:
Sounds like you want a typical Tele sound, I would go with this:
I'm liking the sound samples... That might be the spot right there.

line6man said:
All Pau Ferro sounds wonderful, but keep the weight in mind. It will be a heavy neck.
Yeah, I've heard that.  I tried to go with lighter tuners to keep the weight down, and I went with the heavier of the two similar-looking bodies in the showcase, so hopefully it balances out okay.  Any suggestions if the neck dives?  Are there any not-too-difficult ways to help with that?
NQbass7 said:
Any suggestions if the neck dives?  Are there any not-too-difficult ways to help with that?

be smart about strap pin placement. And worst case scenario, you put something heavy inside the control route.
line6man said:

But seriously, raw necks!
I'm done with Maple necked instruments. Nothing beats the feel of an unfinished neckback.
Wow, someone needs to cut back on the caffine.... :doh: