Some more progress today. I managed to finish the grain filling and sanding. Two goes at it seemed to do the job. She was super-smooth after a good go with 240, then 320 and a little bit of 400.
I had to wood fill a few bumps here and there but they are all undetectable now.
Next I'm going to be coating with first light coat of Tung Oil. Now I've reached this stage I can hardly stop myself from doing more but I will wait and not rush it
I was wondering if I should hit it with a coat of sanding sealer first? Any ideas anyone?
I had to wood fill a few bumps here and there but they are all undetectable now.


Next I'm going to be coating with first light coat of Tung Oil. Now I've reached this stage I can hardly stop myself from doing more but I will wait and not rush it

I was wondering if I should hit it with a coat of sanding sealer first? Any ideas anyone?