First build planned - Do I have everything I need?


Junior Member
Hello fellow forumites,

after building thousands of Warmoth guitars in my mind, I've decided to pull the triggers this week on my dream guitar build.

The concept is simple: a mahogony black star body + flamed maple strat neck with LP specs + fixed TOM + SD blackouts = the guitar I've always wanted.

Now, I've never really built a guitar before on my own.
That's why I'm asking the members here for help.

Question: will this build work (meaning everything will fit together) and do I have all the parts I need?

Oh, and I just saw the body is actually for a 25.5 inch scale while I want a 24 3/4 neck - is this a problem to set up?

Here's a list of my build:






The only things that aren't on the list are: a SD Blackout 1 set which has the 25k pot for the volume and a stereo jack.
Also, I'm not sure what pickup height screws I need to get since I want to directly fit my pickups to the body.

Input would be greatly appreciated so I can start finalizing my build order.

Thanks guys!
Coolguy said:
Oh, and I just saw the body is actually for a 25.5 inch scale while I want a 24 3/4 neck - is this a problem to set up?

No - you are getting a conversion neck which will fit perfectly.
You don't need the blade switch/pickup mounting screws if you're mounting the humbuckers direct to the body. For that you will need wood screws of a suitable size, or alternatively machine screws with threaded inserts in the body. Warmoth doesn't have either of these.

You don't really need the copper shielding, especially since you're using active pickups. But it doesn't hurt to have it, just additional cost and labour when you're assembling it.
Don't need that Warmoth decal …. it comes with the neck anyway.
Plus I have heaps of those lying around, anyone can have, sure others do too.

Don't need the Blade switch / Mounting screws (someone has already stated that)
Don't really need the copper tape … waste of time and money. (up to you thou)

If your spending that, why not get SS Frets (only $20 extra)  :icon_thumright:
Need Both ---- Top and Bottom Ferrules
Need  --- Strings  :icon_biggrin:
Need ---- a HUGE Amp  :party07:

I have used these for mounting pickups to wood (the Chrome are best) bit longer and thinner that the black.
Can colour  the tops of the chrome one with black marker.
Can use the foam from your pickup container, for underneath pickups, if wanted.

Let us know how you go, plus don't forget some pic's  :icon_thumright:
Updown said:
Don't need that Warmoth decal …. it comes with the neck anyway.
Plus I have heaps of those lying around, anyone can have, sure others do too.

Don't need the Blade switch / Mounting screws (someone has already stated that)
Don't really need the copper tape … waste of time and money. (up to you thou)

If your spending that, why not get SS Frets (only $20 extra)  :icon_thumright:
Need Both ---- Top and Bottom Ferrules
Need  --- Strings  :icon_biggrin:
Need ---- a HUGE Amp  :party07:

I have used these for mounting pickups to wood (the Chrome are best) bit longer and thinner that the black.
Can colour  the tops of the chrome one with black marker.
Can use the foam from your pickup container, for underneath pickups, if wanted.

Let us know how you go, plus don't forget some pic's  :icon_thumright:

Really big thanks for all the input so far guys!

I've adjusted my build with the input here but still have a few questions:

1. Alternatively: if I decide to mount the pickups in rings - will they both have to be flat for this TOM bridge?

2. I'm not 100% sure about the frets - I chose the neck specs (the handling, not the wood and looks) to resemble my Tokai LS150 profile (huuuuuuge neck profile, LP specs)
The thing is, what fret size is the damned thing? I only took the 6130 frets because the description says they most resemble the Gibson style frets like my Tokai (I can't get along with jumbo frets, I prefer small and flat) even though SS also have my preference

And my huge amp is a first series ENGL Blackmore that's been with me for a few years now.

Kudos guys! :eek:ccasion14:
Yep  ... Flat for recessed Tom  :icon_thumright:

Like here ...
Do you have tools? Unless you've done a fair amount of Dicking With Stuff TM, it might be a bit easier if you know someone who does, and has useful tools to do so. It's a shallower investment curve if you start slow & get help, and a massive cliff-to-be-scaled if you just... start banging on stuff. Woodworking experience? Jewelry, art, dental surgery, most anything that's gotten your brain working in small & precise measurements counts somewhat towards a leap. You want it Great, and people who do Great crave weird tools and can happily talk about grades of steel on miniature Swedish three-squares as though it were the weather. Do you know the difference between 0.30mm and 0.25mm?
StubHead said:
Do you have tools? Unless you've done a fair amount of Dicking With Stuff TM, it might be a bit easier if you know someone who does, and has useful tools to do so. It's a shallower investment curve if you start slow & get help, and a massive cliff-to-be-scaled if you just... start banging on stuff. Woodworking experience? Jewelry, art, dental surgery, most anything that's gotten your brain working in small & precise measurements counts somewhat towards a leap. You want it Great, and people who do Great crave weird tools and can happily talk about grades of steel on miniature Swedish three-squares as though it were the weather. Do you know the difference between 0.30mm and 0.25mm?

I've got all the screwdrivers I'll ever need and can solder.

Hmmmm... maybe it's be safer if I just do all the hardware on the body and neck and then get a luthier to properly attach the neck and set it up.

And from experience, what feels the most LP-esque fretwise?
One of the reasons I'm getting a neck with 24 3/4 scale, 12" radius and a fat neck is because I'm used to LP necks with huge profiles and would really really like to get that same playability feeling.
If you have a logical mind, and you have all the parts there, and you think about stuff like getting the strings over the pickup pole pieces and ask lots of questions.... We just get all sorts here, from 14-year-old people* who have hardly even played guitars all the way to people who have built from scratch and just want component advice. Most of the people who get into this, at least us older ones, started out doing our own setups, changed a pickup or twelve, learned about pots, finishing, fretwork all in stages. And we get the hyper-opinionated f-bomb kids cutting and pasting their "knowledge" from one forum to the next - a bit of "sorting" is initially in order.

If you like BIG necks the fatback and boatneck are big - the latter is a very "soft V" with less shoulder. And Warmoth has their "'59" profile taken from a large, but not huge, Gibson... ummm, '59? Probably more like a '99 '59 than a '59 '59... You got to choose width too, which has quite an effect on where the wood lies. Their guys are real good on this stuff, of course the better and more clear the questions, the better and more clear the answers. I like the straight 12" profile myself too, for some specific odd little barre things I like to do with my little finger. The compound radius is really good for bendy stuff, but I bend less and less, more because it sounds so standardized these days. Unless you're Scott Henderson or Jerry Donahue, then it sounds deranged. The only bar-band gigs I'd take anymore would be bass, and if I want to play steel guitar licks, I play steel guitar.

*(There is NOTHING WRONG with 14-year-old people... NOTHING. Really. Well, but, but, well. Some of them even survive into adulthood, hard as that is to believe.)
StubHead said:
If you have a logical mind, and you have all the parts there, and you think about stuff like getting the strings over the pickup pole pieces and ask lots of questions.... We just get all sorts here, from 14-year-old people* who have hardly even played guitars all the way to people who have built from scratch and just want component advice. Most of the people who get into this, at least us older ones, started out doing our own setups, changed a pickup or twelve, learned about pots, finishing, fretwork all in stages. And we get the hyper-opinionated f-bomb kids cutting and pasting their "knowledge" from one forum to the next - a bit of "sorting" is initially in order.

If you like BIG necks the fatback and boatneck are big - the latter is a very "soft V" with less shoulder. And Warmoth has their "'59" profile taken from a large, but not huge, Gibson... ummm, '59? Probably more like a '99 '59 than a '59 '59... You got to choose width too, which has quite an effect on where the wood lies. Their guys are real good on this stuff, of course the better and more clear the questions, the better and more clear the answers. I like the straight 12" profile myself too, for some specific odd little barre things I like to do with my little finger. The compound radius is really good for bendy stuff, but I bend less and less, more because it sounds so standardized these days. Unless you're Scott Henderson or Jerry Donahue, then it sounds deranged. The only bar-band gigs I'd take anymore would be bass, and if I want to play steel guitar licks, I play steel guitar.

*(There is NOTHING WRONG with 14-year-old people... NOTHING. Really. Well, but, but, well. Some of them even survive into adulthood, hard as that is to believe.)

I'm not that knowledgeable but I've been doing my own guitar setup since I started playing and it worked out well so far.

Another reason why I picked the 59 Warmoth profile is because the peepz over at tokairegistry (all really helpful and knowledgeable members, just like here  :binkybaby:) told me it'd come closest to my LS150 Tokai neck profile.

That darned neck profile... if it's any guid: I love the 50's Gibson profile and hate the smalness of the 60's profile in my hands.

Thanks for all the input guys, at this rate my order should get placed this week... :icon_biggrin:
My late 25th birthday  present to myself. :headbang1:
replying to your PM: I guess all's in order? I'll run it over but as long as you have the bridge, tuners, nut, pots, pickups, strapbuttons, output jack and plate and a pickup ring if needed (and in your case a battery box), I guess you're sorted.

PS. You're welcome to drop by for the assembly. I have 30 warmoth's under my belt so if you want, we can do it together.
Orpheo said:
replying to your PM: I guess all's in order? I'll run it over but as long as you have the bridge, tuners, nut, pots, pickups, strapbuttons, output jack and plate and a pickup ring if needed (and in your case a battery box), I guess you're sorted.

PS. You're welcome to drop by for the assembly. I have 30 warmoth's under my belt so if you want, we can do it together.

Hey Orpheo,

really big thanks for looking it over and for the offer to assemble it together.
Unfortunately, I think whereever you're living up North, I think it's a bit too far from my home in East-Flanders. :eek:

I'll probably place my order tomorrow. :cool01:
Geographical makes the best checklist. What's at the very top of a guitar? The very bottom, and every inch in-between. We have had the f-bombers with "Why isn't there a F&*$% checklist for me? What good are you guys?"

A: "Because if you don't LIKE to think about what you're doing, why, and maybe better ways to do it, you're in the wrong place, wrong hobby, wrong century, wrong species maybe..."

Didn't Jesus* MAKE television for these people, they should be GRATEFUL...

- the peepz over at tokairegistry (all really helpful and knowledgeable members, just like here  :binkybaby:)

We can be real assholes too, hang for a bit and you'll witness some dismemberments. Only well-deserved, of course. <>saintly emoticon </>

I would strongly consider Orpheo's offer, at least towards the very end. Good setups are 37.5% of the game, and there are a LOT of neat little tweaky things you only get with time & seeing other people's work.

*(Or somebody, they can never keep their stories straight.)
StubHead said:
Geographical makes the best checklist. What's at the very top of a guitar? The very bottom, and every inch in-between. We have had the f-bombers with "Why isn't there a F&*$% checklist for me? What good are you guys?"

A: "Because if you don't LIKE to think about what you're doing, why, and maybe better ways to do it, you're in the wrong place, wrong hobby, wrong century, wrong species maybe..."

Didn't Jesus* MAKE television for these people, they should be GRATEFUL...

Gratuitous insert. :p
I think everyhting been listed now... not from top to bottom but it's there in random order.

- the peepz over at tokairegistry (all really helpful and knowledgeable members, just like here  :binkybaby:)

We can be real assholes too, hang for a bit and you'll witness some dismemberments. Only well-deserved, of course. <>saintly emoticon </>

I would strongly consider Orpheo's offer, at least towards the very end. Good setups are 37.5% of the game, and there are a LOT of neat little tweaky things you only get with time & seeing other people's work.

*(Or somebody, they can never keep their stories straight.)

All forum members can be reall assholes, I've been surfing the web long enough to know this too.

And about Orpheo's offer: it's really generous but it's also a really long trip for me. I'll consider it for sure though. :toothy12:
Coolguy said:
Orpheo said:
replying to your PM: I guess all's in order? I'll run it over but as long as you have the bridge, tuners, nut, pots, pickups, strapbuttons, output jack and plate and a pickup ring if needed (and in your case a battery box), I guess you're sorted.

PS. You're welcome to drop by for the assembly. I have 30 warmoth's under my belt so if you want, we can do it together.

Hey Orpheo,

really big thanks for looking it over and for the offer to assemble it together.
Unfortunately, I think whereever you're living up North, I think it's a bit too far from my home in East-Flanders. :eek:

I'll probably place my order tomorrow. :cool01:
east flanders aint so bad? I live in the Hague, that's perhaps a 3 hour drive.
Orpheo said:
Coolguy said:
Orpheo said:
replying to your PM: I guess all's in order? I'll run it over but as long as you have the bridge, tuners, nut, pots, pickups, strapbuttons, output jack and plate and a pickup ring if needed (and in your case a battery box), I guess you're sorted.

PS. You're welcome to drop by for the assembly. I have 30 warmoth's under my belt so if you want, we can do it together.

Hey Orpheo,

really big thanks for looking it over and for the offer to assemble it together.
Unfortunately, I think whereever you're living up North, I think it's a bit too far from my home in East-Flanders. :eek:

I'll probably place my order tomorrow. :cool01:
east flanders aint so bad? I live in the Hague, that's perhaps a 3 hour drive.

Maybe I'll take you up on your offer later.
As a thanks, I'll import some proper beer into your country. ;-)

My last cart checklist before I place the order:

neck plate & pad
neck screws

TOM bridge
battery box
football jack plate
pickup screws
toggle switch
wiring kit
top and bottom string ferrules

And that should be it? :icon_scratch:

On order later: SD BKP pickups incl. pots, Star suitable case

Can't wait... another 3 months :laughing3:
Will your pickups include capacitors?  Don't want to leave anything to chance... or an unnecessary trip back to the shops.

Good luck -


Bagman67 said:
Will your pickups include capacitors?  Don't want to leave anything to chance... or an unnecessary trip back to the shops.

Good luck -


Hmmmm, now that I think of it.
The Seymour Duncan AHB-1S comes with the necessary pots, battery clip and input jack.
If this is your first build you may want to take Orpheo up on his offer. Let me tell you why. I used to work in a guitar shop doing minor repairs, wiring pups if needed, changing strings for customers etc... When I bought my first Warmoth I thought I was ready to take on the task, I wasn't. I needed a friend that has a lot more skill than myself to help out. My second build I did on my own but that first one was a trip. My biggest problem was fear of fking something up. Drilling all those holes was unnerving!