
Finishing Max's Tele


Hero Member
I'm doing Max's Tele in TV White but I may tint it to the aged look of the TV Yellow.  That is up for debate.

First the body is prepped and the grain is really cleaned out.  No sanding dust should be in any pours.

Next comes the white pickling coat of lacquer. See how well the grain pours are showing through, that is perfect.  I’ll fill those with a lightly tinted pour fill and they will stand out real nice.  Then depending on how Max wants me to proceed I start the next steps.


How will it look if you tint it yellow? I'm thinking white only, and let the sun amber it up over time.
Very, very cooool...
I love how the grain shines through.
Will undoubtedly be a great tele  :headbang:
Can't wait to see the finished T
:kewlpics: :rock-on:
Very cool; interested to see how this one progresses.
This forum is solely responsible for me buying a tele.
Didn't realize trans white would look that good on mahogany. Looks pretty baller to me.
I'm thinking I'll leave it white, since I've already got a rawer looking guitar, may as well have something classy.
I'd probably leave it that color, and see how I felt about it for a bit. Then if you want it yellow leave it out in the sun and/or take up smoking.
Max said:
Rio Grandes. Dirty Harry for the bridge, and a Genuine Texas for the neck.

i dont know why but i neverr heard any buz abot rio grande. what styles can one play with them? can you play heavy music with them?
I'm sure you could play heavier stuff with them. I'm not into the high-gain stuff, so these should work well.
Never try Rio Grande pickups yet but  just received the Dirty Harry today.
Won't be installing it until I have some free time and all the parts to put together
the guitar next weekend. The pickup appears to be very well-made, though.