
Fender Vintage Noisless or Hot Noiseless


Senior Member
What do you guys think?  How do the cleans compare?  The dirty?  I realize there are probably better single coils out there, but I don't want to deal with noise.  I am a bass player who plays guitar for fun so I don't need the best of the best.
Don't care for either, go the Fender Fat 50s or SRV Texas Specials for a hotter wind. A little noise is part of the Fender "Vintage Sound"
I've got a set of Fender Cobalt semarium Noisless pickups, I also have Fralins, and David Gilmour pups, all are excellent, But the more I play the fender noiseless, the more I like em.

They have a great range of sound and performance, they can sound crystal clear bell like tone, and they can turn dirty crunchy as well. All dependant of the amp settings of course.

But the fralins for example dont sound as thick and gritty when the amp is pushed hard on the dirty channel.

I don't think they get their due reviews because they are not a boutique pickup.    BTW the fender noiseless are in fact humbuckers, stacked.
I have the Fender vintage noiseless in my strat. It was a huge improvement over the MIM stock pups, and the clarity in them is great. I have had several other strat owners comment how much they like the tone of my pickups.  It was probably the single most effective upgrade I have made to date.
The only thing I'm not thrilled with is that the middle PU sounds virtually undistinguishable from the neck.. I'd like there to be a notable difference, but I'm just nitpicking at this point.