Fender turns there head when they make junk.


Junior Member
Here is just a small sample. Ive had this problem too.  http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4390
1jimbo said:
Here is just a small sample. Ive had this problem too.  http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4390
That's just S.O.P. for corporate America.... :dontknow:
Somewhat off topic but Fender used to piss me off when they were not very lefty friendly but then turned around and made the Hendrix strat.  Left hand body but strung righty.  :dontknow:
I had a Fender amp that I bought new in the late 90's that was truly a lemon.  From the moment I brought it home, it never worked quite right.  I took it in for repair after repair, all under warranty, but they never could correct the problem.  I finally called the company and talked to someone for almost an hour about what they could do for me.  During the course of this conversation, the person on the phone told me that they had received numerous complaints about this particular amp, it was a 100 watt "The Twin".  All of the complaints centered around the same issue I was having which was that the amp was a channel switcher, and sometimes, with or without the pedal attached, the amp would switch channels on it's own.  So this person at Fender tells me that they had discovered a design flaw, which they had since corrected.  I asked what I could do, and the response was that I should learn to live with it, or sell the amp and buy a newer one that had the problem corrected.  Now that is customer service.
'Probably spending all their time bending over backwards for Eddie Van Halen, sellling $3,000 Wolfgangs and $25,000 "FrankenStrat replicas  instead of helping average people who buy their products.
Only Fender product I've ever owned is a Strat-o-coustic, but I soon replaced the neck with a Warmoth vintage. Made it a thousand times better... :headbang1:

And although I'm a huge Jackson fan, I'll never buy any new Jackson, as it was acquired by Fender in '02...
I think you mean 'their head'.  But you are right.  They should really do better to look after their customers. 
The incompetence of Fender puts companies like Warmoth in business with quality parts and service.  I remember why I started building Warmoth guitars was because CBS Fender guitars were so badly made that I had to find alternatives for a better playing instrument.
If Fender went belly-up tomorrow I wouldn't care at all. Their customer service leaves a lot to be desired, and all they're really doing nowdays is finding ways to re-market products that have been around for decades and charge silly prices for whatever special edition variation of a guitar they can think up. $2,000 for a John Mayer Strat or a vintage series Tele? Even the MIM ones are going for $500 now, crappy pickups/tuners/electronics/paint and all.

I don't think Fender should be singled out for crappy customer service.  They are far from the only ones.  Anyone remember the thread about the Gibson volute being in the wrong place.  Let's face it, CS is a thankless job.  If someone is calling, it's not to give them an award.  For some companies, CS is viewed as overhead and a calculated gamble.  "If we have bad customer service, does that mean our sales will suffer?"  It's akin to the cost of a recall vs. # of units in the field Xs the average cost of a settlement analogy in "Fight Club."  What's cheaper?  NO ONE will ever run a company to broke just to provide a good product.  Spend more money and build a better product, or save money putting out an inferior product and not offer service after the sale?  They already have your money.  And let's face it, that sticker on the headstock is all most care about.  If you've ever heard, "It would sound better if it was a Fender," or seen anyone brag about a Fender that was made in Indonesia because the "Fender" was bigger than "Indonesia" on the headstock, then you know the type I'm talking about. 
:rock-on: I enjoy playing thru my Fender amps every day without worrying about about customer service.  Every note is pure, and gritty (if I choose), with smoth roundness.   The tubes I chose are NOS tubes.   I prefer vintage hardwired.  Vintage amps and NOS tubes.  Youll laugh to the bank and serious performance.  Every guitar/bass player should know this.  If you choose new,  buy hardwired.   All my amps are Fs BTW.  Dont give up hope. Modeling amps sound like fun.  But I wouldnt bring it home :laughing7:  
DangerousR6 said:
1jimbo said:
Here is just a small sample. Ive had this problem too.  http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4390
That's just S.O.P. for corporate America.... :dontknow:

So sad, but true...  :toothy11: :sad: :toothy11:
What is even worse is that I just bought a used G-DEC 30.
I did not purchase it with the thought of using it as a guitar amp.
I only want to use it for the drum machine and bass lines.
So far, so good...  :confused4:
Couple of things come to mind -

1.  Unless its your post on another forum, posting it in another place is basically heresay.  The web is full of complaints, and kudos.  I dont think anyone would argue that complaints always outnumber kudos as folks expect "normal" and dont @#$#@$ unless they dont get it, whereas kudo's come from over the top good, not from just "normal".

2.  I dont see the problem.  What I see is, a) dont look for CS here, use these other means b) the other means are backlogged, be patient and c) I got a G-DEC that needs an accessory to do what I want, and I cant find the right one. 

That last items is like saying I got a body with a bathtub rout, and they told me it would accept a tele neck pickup at the bridge, a P90 in the middle and a lipstick at the neck.  When I got the body and asked how I put those pickups in, they said I'd need a pickguard for it.... well I just cannot find ANYPLACE, a pickguard for that pickup combination.  When they sold me the body, they should not have claimed it would take that combination.

Its all heresay. 

I've had 2 fender teles (one a MIM) and a Hotrod amp as well as a 25w Frontman for playing at home.  Didn't like the Frontman but never had a problem with any of them, nor CS from the local guitar shop.
Black Dog said:
DangerousR6 said:
1jimbo said:
Here is just a small sample. Ive had this problem too.  http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4390
That's just S.O.P. for corporate America.... :dontknow:

So sad, but true...   :toothy11: :sad: :toothy11:
What is even worse is that I just bought a used G-DEC 30.
I did not purchase it with the thought of using it as a guitar amp.
I only want to use it for the drum machine and bass lines.
So far, so good...   :confused4:

How's that working out for you? I never had any issues with my B-DEC 30 and my living room jam session buddy loved his G-DEC 30 to death, which is why I recommended is so highly when you were looking.
I have the small G-dec, it's kinda fun for a while, then it's just underpowered, and doesn't do anything well, it does a lot, but none of it really well, It has become my amp that I lend to buddies thinking about learning to play
Alfang said:
I have the small G-dec, it's kinda fun for a while, then it's just underpowered, and doesn't do anything well, it does a lot, but none of it really well, It has become my amp that I lend to buddies thinking about learning to play

Its for practicing and trying different things. The DEC series was never meant to be a gigging amp or anything.
knucklehead G said:
Black Dog said:
DangerousR6 said:
1jimbo said:
Here is just a small sample. Ive had this problem too.  http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4390
That's just S.O.P. for corporate America.... :dontknow:

So sad, but true...   :toothy11: :sad: :toothy11:
What is even worse is that I just bought a used G-DEC 30.
I did not purchase it with the thought of using it as a guitar amp.
I only want to use it for the drum machine and bass lines.
So far, so good...   :confused4:

How's that working out for you? I never had any issues with my B-DEC 30 and my living room jam session buddy loved his G-DEC 30 to death, which is why I recommended is so highly when you were looking.

Not really sure yet.  I actually just got it after playing tag with the U.P.S. driver for a few days.  I did plug my strat into it just to check out the sounds.  Not really impressed, but that is fine because I did not purchase it for that use.  It is what it is...  Something to give me backing for practice.  And for that use, I think it will be great once I figure out how to program it.  I do like that you can down load backing tracks into it from the internet. 