
Fender Amp Recommendations?


Junior Member
In the market for a Fender guitar amp, looking for something with a classic Fender sound that will be versatile and loud enough for any band situation. 

I'm a huge fan of the Princeton Reverb but I've heard it's too small for playing with a drummer. 

Planning to compare between the Twin Reverb, the Blues Junior, the Princeton Reverb, and the Blues DeVille...

Any favorites or other recommendations?

I just recently sold my 1x12 Fender SuperSonic 22, really fantastic amp. 2 clean voicings (normal and "fat") built around a Twin Reverb and Bassman sound respectively, and a 2 stage "burn" channel that gets downright nasty. Far more dirt on tap than your average Fender. My rig is currently a modeling unit (Line 6 Helix) into an FRFR cab (Atomic CLR) but if I find myself back in the market for a tube amp it'll probably be another one of these. They also have it in a 100w 2x12 if you really hate your neighbors...
Verne Bunsen said:
I just recently sold my 1x12 Fender SuperSonic 22, really fantastic amp. 2 clean voicings (normal and "fat") built around a Twin Reverb and Bassman sound respectively, and a 2 stage "burn" channel that gets downright nasty. Far more dirt on tap than your average Fender. My rig is currently a modeling unit (Line 6 Helix) into an FRFR cab (Atomic CLR) but if I find myself back in the market for a tube amp it'll probably be another one of these. They also have it in a 100w 2x12 if you really hate your neighbors...

Man that sounds perfect, and the price range is right around what I was looking for.  I'll see if I can find one and give it a try!  :occasion14:

I notice the Super Sonic is also available as a head/cabinet option. Is that the same as the 2x12 you mentioned?  Ever played on that one?
I wish this had come up a week ago, I'd have cut you a smokin' deal on one, haha!

The 100w is a combo, "Super Sonic Twin". It appears it is discontinued...


There's also a 60w 1x12 configuration.


The first one I played was the 60w, I encountered it at a Guitar Center and fell in love immediately. 60w of Fender was way too much to be practical for me however. Eventually I stumbled across the 22w and it was a match made in heaven. The fact that it was a FSR with bright orange tolex and a Greenback didn't hurt any either... I have not played the 100w combo nor the head/cabinet configuration.
It's probably a good thing you sold it when you did if you needed the $$.  I'll need to save up the clams!

In the meantime I'll try to see if I can find one and give it a shot.  Thanks for the tip!
Sure thing! Here's ol' Pro Guitar Shop Andy putting one through the paces pretty good:

Vintage Princeton's are plenty loud enough especially if you put a 12 or 15 inch speaker with it. You can put a 12 in the original by changing out the baffle or like I did had Larry Rodger build me a cabinet for the chassis and a 15 inch speaker.

A Twin is so loud you will never use that much amp. A Vibrolux is a great amp. A Deluxe is also a great amp but I  have a 67 and will take the Princeton with the 15 over it any day of the week. Last time I looked you could get a great deal on a Super Reverb which is one of the all time great Blackface amps in my opinion and is my main gig amp.
I played a deluxe 65 re-issue live for years.  It's plenty loud enough.  This was in 200+ person clubs with a PA and the amp miced up.  I also had a super and found it was just too much amp for what we were doing (loud alternative Rock).

With a good speaker 25 - 30 watts is plenty of power for a tube amp.  Tonar's hot rodded Princeton sounds like a great amp.
you know, I've often wondered what a fender blackface pre-amp going into an AC 30 power stage with some kind of British speaker would sound like...
Tonar8353 said:
Vintage Princeton's are plenty loud enough especially if you put a 12 or 15 inch speaker with it. You can put a 12 in the original by changing out the baffle or like I did had Larry Rodger build me a cabinet for the chassis and a 15 inch speaker.

Pimped out Princeton?  Sounds amazzzzzing!

DMRACO said:
Fender hot rod are decent too.  Definitely gig worthy

I love the Hot Rod Deluxe, both clean tone and dirt sounds great and I could get one for a clean $500 easily.  I've seen some people having issues with them online, they seem to get a bad rap.
I'm not sure, but couldn't that have something to do with the fact that they - Hot Rod's - have sold such huge amounts. Statistically you should then hear about some of them failing.
And amps from Fender costing twice or more, then doesn't sell in the same numbers, and so fewer of those have issues. But statistically the more expensive have about the same failure rate. But you don't hear about them online quite as much ..?

Just some thoughts.
Here is a picture of the Princeton setting next to a Tweed 4/10 Bassman to give you an idea of it's size. I got the idea for this from an early Tone Quest Report article about a guy who paired one with a EV SRO 15 and how it blew every ones minds on gigs. I had a 1973 Princeton in the music room so I called Larry Rodgers and asked if he could build me a cabinet that would take the Princeton chaise and a 15 inch speaker and he said he did it all the time for Lindy Fralin so I ordered a blond with an oxblood grill and tilt back legs. Next I called Ted Weber and told him what I was up to and asked what he felt would be the best speaker for it and he said he had just the thing and I had him ship it. So for $275.00 for the amp (you could still get good deals on old Fenders in the late 90"s) $150.00 for the cabinet and $120.00 for the speaker I got a beautiful looking and sounding amp. At the time I was using a Mesa Boogie Studio 22 and this amp took over on stage from that day on and the Boogie got sold. I used it exclusively until I switched to a Super Reverb that is in an isolation room off stage so I can crank it and not have to deal with stage volume but even the Princeton had singers and sound men wining when it was on stage.  :laughing7:

Excellent!  Sounds like you got a great deal for your money on that! 

If I can find a smokin deal on a Princeton without a speaker I would totally go for it.
I had a chance to buy an old bassman cab for cheap and passed because if you not fit in my car home.  Regret every minute of it