The Dimarzio Area series is even better. Yngwie left Dimarzio before those came out.Duncan's Malmsteen pickups are my favorite so far. Ultimately had my guitar's original pickups rewound by Duncan custom shop. But for stock noiseless single coils, YJM Furys are awesome.
I loved them in my Strat. I recommend the Vintage with a 10-way Freeway switch, as they don't have series/parallel 4 wire options. The Blues output sounded great but were not as usable in the Freeway's humbucker modes. Might be cool to get the 3 wire option and do phase flip with a higher output model, for the thinner single coil type tones, but haven't tried it. They are definitely pricier and the radius choices are kinda frustrating - I had the medium radius set in my American Standard but I'd recommend the flatter 12" type radius ones for best overall string-to-string balance unless you have specific experience that the more radiused pickups work better for your guitar.Eyeing the Fralin blades currently.
I tried a set in the Tele I put together a couple of years ago, and was not particularly happy; there was a distinct volume change between the D and G strings that is not there with the pickups I eventually ended up with - a Wilde L280TN in the neck and a Fender Ultra Noiseless in the bridge. For the super-blues-Strat I’m doing this year, I’m probably going to end up with Zexcoils but there’s still a chance I’ll try Kinman (that website is a disaster though) or maybe even something from the EMG Retro Active line.Eyeing the Fralin blades currently.
I have 280 tn’s and really dig em too. I also love the L-90 6.0 and 8.8 and the T 48 tele bridge.. Tried the L200N but it seemed weak ish. YMMV Also the Fralins are out of the running now due to medical bills. Plus boy are theyI tried a set in the Tele I put together a couple of years ago, and was not particularly happy; there was a distinct volume change between the D and G strings that is not there with the pickups I eventually ended up with - a Wilde L280TN in the neck and a Fender Ultra Noiseless in the bridge. For the super-blues-Strat I’m doing this year, I’m probably going to end up with Zexcoils but there’s still a chance I’ll try Kinman (that website is a disaster though) or maybe even something from the EMG Retro Active line.
YMMV of course.
It's actually better to put the 67 in the neck position instead of the middle.DiMarzio Injectors in bridge + neck, with a DiMarzio Area 67 in the middle. I found this combination in a Paul Gilbert loaded pickguard and really liked it.