
faking bound headstock


Junior Member
I've seen a thread here about proper binding strat headstocks and I already dismissed the idea. But I still think it looks nice and so I suppose the next best thing is to just paint it.

It looks like it's not a very common thing though so I was only able to find one example that I also attached. I'm thinking to go with an already finished maple neck (gloss or satin, not yet sure) and then mask the edge somehow and paint the top black. I suppose to make the transition look good a couple more coats of clear on top of that? Precise masking could prove to be tricky though.

Anybody tried something like that before on a warmoth build?


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I've not done it, but it's on my bucket list. I would do it sorta the way you describe, but I wouldn't start with a finished neck unless it was lacquer. Too hard to finish over anything else. The only real trick, I think, would be to get some very good masking tape. Not the paper stuff you use for protecting windows while you do walls and trimwork, but the good stuff the automotive guys use for pinstriping show cars. 3M makes several varieties of the stuff, and it's highly resistant to heat and solvents, it's nice and bendy without making wrinkles that will let finish under the surface where you don't want it, plus it comes in realistic widths. Mask off the edges with some of that, shoot a color coat, remove the mask, and start with the clear coats. Once there's an appreciable thickness of that, you start sanding between coats. Once that looks good, add a logo. More clear coats, then start sanding again between coats to level it. Final coat, do the finish sand/buff/polish, and sit back in the comfy chair so you can more easily soak up all the praise.

The tapes to use are 3M's 471 series and/or 218 series. I'm not suggesting you get the stuff from either of those places, and don't be put off by their packaging - the stuff is available down to 1/16" wide and in single roll quantities. It ain't cheap, but it's very effective. Exercise your Google skills to find what you need.
I don't particularly fancy finishing the whole neck but if you say it's difficult to upgrade a finished neck then I suppose that's what I will have to do in the end.

I'd much prefer a transparent tape for masking me thinks, that would make it much easier to double check if your masked width is consistent all the way around.

For the logo I'm not yet sure but I fancy something photo etched for some added glory. Or engraved perhaps. Maybe even 3d printed (you can 3d print metal these days). Photo etched pieces are thin and shiny so I think that could work well. Not sure how to glue them yet, it could be very delicate.

Or something like this http://www.miladisplays.com/TranscriptsAT.htm

Or as the last resort something like this Schecter logo.


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It's not necessarily difficult to upgrade a finished neck; it depends on what the neck is finished with. If it's polyurethane, which the vast majority of them are, then you may have a problem. At least, you do if you're not set up to shoot poly, which not many people are. It's expensive and demanding. But, if it's raw or lacquer, then it's easy enough to play with.