

Chris of Arabia

Senior Member
Really must get round to sorting out reading glasses. 2 or 3 solder joints and I'm finding I need to give my eyes a rest. I've worn glasses full time for the last 30 odd years and have been able to do close up work without an issue - used to be an air communications technician in the Royal Air Force at one time. Now it just doesn't work the same - I can't focus properly on things with the glasses unless they are at least 18" away, which is too far distant to deal accurately with small items like solder tags and small gauge wire. So I tend to look under the edge of them, but that means I need to be around 4" to 6" from the work to focus - possibly a little close with a soldering iron in hand. Anyway, 'Braveheart' will be along shortly...

Here in Brazil, we call it "tired sight"... usually happens to 40+ y.o. people...
There is a specific glasses for it...
I've been farsighted my whole life (like my dad and little brother).  We all wear glasses but close work can be difficult.  He's an engineer and he wears big goofy magnifying goggles when soldering... I have to rest my eyes a lot.  So believe me when I say I feel your pain!
I broke down and got bifocals about six years ago. It was quite a blow to my ego, but I'm glad I did it now.
RLW said:
I broke down and got bifocals about six years ago. It was quite a blow to my ego, but I'm glad I did it now.

Yeah, I'm knocking on that door...next pair will be bifocals, and I'm about 6 months overdue for an exam.  :(
ildar said:
RLW said:
I broke down and got bifocals about six years ago. It was quite a blow to my ego, but I'm glad I did it now.

Yeah, I'm knocking on that door...next pair will be bifocals, and I'm about 6 months overdue for an exam.   :(

At least they have the new lenses that have a gradient so there is no tell-tale line.
DocNrock said:
ildar said:
RLW said:
I broke down and got bifocals about six years ago. It was quite a blow to my ego, but I'm glad I did it now.

Yeah, I'm knocking on that door...next pair will be bifocals, and I'm about 6 months overdue for an exam.   :(

At least they have the new lenses that have a gradient so there is no tell-tale line.

True enough. I also seem to remember hearing something about bifocal soft contacts. These would be great for me at gigs, I hate wearing glasses while I'm playing.
I'm 23 and wear glasses since I'm 11...
On January I shall operate, if the myopia stay unchanged untill there...
nearsighted here, but nooooooo glasses. hated them, been wearing contacts for 20+ yrs. Still can see close up no problem. The wifey on the otherhand has had perfect vision all her life and is just now coming into the reading glass circle....I poke fun at her all the time..

It's kind wierd tho, both my mom and dad had perfect vision until mid 40's, and I'm frickin' nearsighted.....
I've had trouble seeing distance for a while, but it's not too bad. I should wear my glasses, but I can usually get by fine without, so I don't I hate wearing 'em. Can see fine up close.

Hair though... I think 15 years down the road, I'm screwed.
Always myopic, I went the other way a few years back, had to start taking my glasses OFF to see close.  Went back to contacts, just wear one, luckily my brain can deal with focusing that way...
jackthehack said:
Always myopic, I went the other way a few years back, had to start taking my glasses OFF to see close.  Went back to contacts, just wear one, luckily my brain can deal with focusing that way...
I guess that could be useful. I've got excellent up-close vision, but I couldn't even read whiteboards from the middle of the room in school. I wear contacts now, because I hate glasses.

(and I have no clue where they are)
I have astigmatism in both eyes, right one is twice as bad as left, in opposite directions.  If you don't know about it, it is like watching football on TV.  When you put your glasses on, it is like watching football on HD TV.  Not really blurry, just a dramatic difference in resolution.  Have to wear the things always.  Not a big fan of contacts, my eyes wig out.  So for close ups I have one of those goofy magnifying head gear things.  It is great for removing splinters, reading the printing on caps and transistors, the fine stuff.  The eye doc keeps saying I don't need the reading glasses yet, but I am ahead of the curve.  Whe.
