

I'll bet it happened arround x-mas from throwing all them Les Pauls on the fire, you should set them in there gently from now on
Oh no! I'm sorry me pirate buddy, got the goggles right here  :glasses9:

Glad it came out easy though, eyes are scary things to mess with.
Saftey glasses are for a false of security. My grandfather introduced me to exotic woods and was making, ironically, a good luck piece that was to have I believe maple and bubinga layered as a yin yang sunrise, when his table saw threw the whole thing at his face. Of course he had been carelessly standing on the wrong side of the saw, but his glasses shattered and the frame bent back around his head. He ended up losing that eye.

What's worse, is that he sold off his tools before I could learn how he could cut working merry-go-rounds out of just a slab of wood. Of course, if he had his tools still, I probably wouldn't have come to Warmoth for making a scratch bass.
Damn, that sucks!!!!!  Same thing happened to my brother, he was using a wire brush on a grinder and got a wire from the brush in his eye. As happened to you, it turned rusty and started to irritate his eye. Luckily for him it was removed with no ill effects...Happy healing... :icon_thumright:
knucklehead G said:
Saftey glasses are for a false of security. My grandfather introduced me to exotic woods and was making, ironically, a good luck piece that was to have I believe maple and bubinga layered as a yin yang sunrise, when his table saw threw the whole thing at his face. Of course he had been carelessly standing on the wrong side of the saw, but his glasses shattered and the frame bent back around his head. He ended up losing that eye.

What's worse, is that he sold off his tools before I could learn how he could cut working merry-go-rounds out of just a slab of wood. Of course, if he had his tools still, I probably wouldn't have come to Warmoth for making a scratch bass.

Well, if a whole slab of wood gets thrown back at you then you're probably only safe wearing a suit of armor. With that said, safety goggles will definitely help alleviate the problems of little shards getting into your eyes. I wouldn't call them false security. I mean c'mon, they're intended to stop little things, not whole blocks of wood. hehe!!

Sorry to hear about your grandpa though. I surely wasn't laughing at his situation.
It's really easy to be stupid about this stuff. I have to use an Optivisor for some tiny things these days, and it's impossible to do both that and protection. Spattering solder gobs?

I kind of idly wonder about the long-term effects of epoxy dust too... gosh i wonder where those masks are, oh i'll be done in a second anyway... :eek:
Ouch!!!  its all fun and games till someone messes up an Eye.....I know thats no fun......hope your feeling better soon.... :sad:
OUCH! I hope you feel better soon. Looks like you are not in a good mood about it, but sometimes stuff like that happens.  :dontknow:

You've probably heard this before, but take it from a guy who gets hurt pretty frequently...Follow the docs directions and you should be ok  :icon_thumright:

Glad to hear it won't have any long term drawbacks!

stubhead said:
It's really easy to be stupid about this stuff. I have to use an Optivisor for some tiny things these days, and it's impossible to do both that and protection. Spattering solder gobs?

I kind of idly wonder about the long-term effects of epoxy dust too... gosh i wonder where those masks are, oh i'll be done in a second anyway... :eek:

Good point, I'm still loking for good eye protection for up close jobs like you mentioned, but also for detail sanding.
Speedy recovery =CB=.

At least the doc said you'll be OK.  I just read an article advising people with pet tarantulas to wear goggles when handling them, as they can spray fine barbed hairs from their back.  A pet owner was cleaning the spider's cage when he startled the tarantula, getting the hairs embedded in his eye.  They are apparantly too fine for the doctor to remove them, so the guy has to live with them in there.

I'd say your situation is preferable.
Many many thanks for the get well wishes.  I took the patch off tonite - sweems a little weird, things a bit fuzzy at first, but more normal now.  I think after a good nights sleep I'll be doing better.  Pain is just about all gone, bright light is painful tho.  And the @#$@# itching from the patch is gone.  A little sore, a little dryeyed.  No too much worse for the wear.

Hey everyone... thanks agian.  WEAR THEM EYE PROTECTORS - whatever you got is better than none.
I just hope there's no lasting damage. The hurt is a temporary thing, you know it'll go away eventually. But getting someting permanently damaged, that scares the s**t out of me.
Wow missed this one.  Sorry to hear that CB.  

I got a piece of glass from a fluorescent bulb extracted from my eye about fifteen years ago.   The bulb slipped out of my hand and exploded on the top of the ladder I was on.  I've owned and used goggles ever since.  It's sad that it took something big for me to take eye safety seriously.  Walking around with one eye covered for a week scared me into line.
Got the patch off last nite... so far, none worse for the wear.  I go back Monday to do another check to make sure its all out, or look for stray pieces.