
ES-355 Body

dNA said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
All this stuff gets tricky and brings out the inner Ed Roman.  When Warmoth does chambering and hollow construction, it's brilliant.  When Gibson reintroduced chambering to the Les Paul, similar to W's L5S chambering, many say it ruined them.

that's definitely psychological as far as i'm concerned. it's a matter of expectations and pre-fabricated ideas of what something will or won't be like. half the market for gear is based on that

I own neither, so can't comment 1st hand.  I'm just reiterating what I've read on this forum.
A hollowbody is a totally different animal compared to a chambered guitar. Warmoth does not sell hollowbodies. Their guitars are chambered. As mentioned before a 335 is constructed with bent sides and a top and bottom all joined together.
How about they make a chambered 335 then? Or a solidbody! I would buy one of both....

Flat top, carved top, good to go!
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
All this stuff gets tricky and brings out the inner Ed Roman.  When Warmoth does chambering and hollow construction, it's brilliant.  When Gibson reintroduced chambering to the Les Paul, similar to W's L5S chambering, many say it ruined them.

Man, I agree.  I owned one of the first chambered Gibson LPs, and I thought it was a great idea.  I still do.  On these forums (somewhat rightly so) Gibson gets dogged hard, and this is one of the (few) issues where it's not only unfair, but ridiculous.  The Warmoth chambered bodies I own are some of my favorites, and I miss that chambered LP like crazy.

Would anyone from Warmoth comment on this?

As in, is it just so labor-intensive to ever be an option? Or, "maybe someday, but business is a little slower lately", etc. Just interested in whether or not it's even a distant possibility for W or not really something they want to get into. 
Well, I think I see two ways this might go

They make 335s on the cnc, no bent sides, no bent top. Looks great, but people could easily complain that it isn't a "335"

They retool, and invest in machinery to press the top into shape, bend the sides, train for kerfing, and sell them. This would be great, except prices might be higher to cover the initial costs.
The latter is less likely to happen because that isn't what they do or are set up to do.  For all of the custom stuff they do, the biggest limitation seems to be CNC programming.  A 335 isn't made by placing a hunk of wood under a CNC cutter and having a guitar emerge seconds later.  It's made with jigs and clamps.  While it is argueable that a Gibson LP and Warmoth LP are comparable, if Warmoth made a 335 in the fashion that they currently make their other offereings, would it be a 335?  Is a guitar just the bodyshape?  In this sense, I would say no.
I don't know?  It was kind of a redundant, rewording of my previous post.

Besides, we don't decide anything.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they started cranking out 335s in the Gibson style construction tomorrow.
One sugestion for the 335 question: buy a solid one, make the upper cut, use a router to take away the wood from the "wings" (it doesn't matter if you are not much polite with this, it's not going to be seen), glue a piece of nice wood (Stewmac sells koa and maple tops in two different grades each) and you are really close to the Gib. If you rear rout you can still use the neck pocket, even the pot holes, and only are thickening your body 1/4" (something "ala Gretsch").
This is something I have been seriously considering doing. I was thinking of a little smaller singlecut type thing with a spruce top. Kind of like a jazzbox sort of thing with more balls. But I had been thinking of using this mothod. :dontknow:
If they made L5 bodies with two cutaways, it would shoot up to the top of my Warmoth wish list.  I have said this before and I will second the motion every time someone brings it up.

hannaugh said:
If they made L5 bodies with two cutaways, it would shoot up to the top of my Warmoth wish list.  I have said this before and I will second the motion every time someone brings it up.

I'll agree with that too.
While I like the l5s, they are still a bit thick.  I semi hollow twin f hole LPS would be great.
Paul-less said:
Don't give the horns nipples, though.

That's my one complaint with the L5S.

:icon_scratch:  :icon_scratch: Sorry , I don't understand what you meant here.
OzziePete said:
Paul-less said:
Don't give the horns nipples, though.

That's my one complaint with the L5S.

:icon_scratch:  :icon_scratch: Sorry , I don't understand what you meant here.

haha me either. i read this earlier today and sat on the warmoth site staring at some L5S's and couldn't see anything nipple-ish about them.