
ES 335 Build


Hello everyone, I have been looking at the forum as I plan my first build, and was hoping to get a bit of direction. I am ordering a GFS maple 335 style body http://www.guitarfetish.com/FF-Series-ES-335-style-Long-Tenon-Maple-Body-with-Binding_p_15848.html# and will have the neck made from mahogany (GFS has no mahogany necks). The person I have contacted wanted a diagram for the neck and tenon. This is my first build, so I dont know a lot, and have been struggling with how the neck "should" angled.
Here is the diagram I have drawn up so far http://postimg.org/image/pzxuho3nb/
from this diagram I figure the neck should be tilted back at a 94 degree angle http://notrightinthehead.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/335-Dot.pdf
But really any direction would be much appreciated, thanks!
I have looked at those GF bodies for some time.  My biggest concern is I do not know the dimensions.  They looks like some decent work can get them to a killer body.  As long as you r neck builder has the right dimensions, you should be fine. 

What finish are you going after??
I am thinking I want to do a dark walnut finish, kind of like some of the 355's had. The pocket is 57mm wide and I would assume with a full length tenon it would need to be 45mm deep (a neck humbucker ring is like 44.5mm and i think it should go almost right to the neck from what i've seen).
It's amazing what they make that stuff for. You can't even buy the raw binding here for what they're selling that entire body for.

Judging by the drawing you linked to, I'd say you're right about the neck angle. But, it would appear to be an angled neck pocket floor, not an angled neck. Looks to me like the neck heel is parallel to the fretboard.

But, since you're talking about a model Warmoth doesn't make using parts Warmoth doesn't supply, I'm not sure this is the best place to get the data you're looking for. It would appear to be a copy of a Gibson design - perhaps their builder's forum would be more helpful as far as specs and so forth are concerned for that model, or the GFS folks may be able to tell you if they've got better/different drawings than what Gibson uses.
Hmmm.  The neck is so cheap you could just buy one and hand it to your neck builder for him to use as a pattern.

As I was reading this, it occurred to me, using the diagrams is a lot harder than using a sample. I was just about to suggest what Mayfly already did: give your builder a neck to use as a pattern and eliminate the busy work.