EMG strat pickup rout


Junior Member
Hi... I'm curious to know what pickups will fit in the EMG strat pickup rout other than EMG. I find the normal strat rout ugly when no pick guard in use...

Looks to me like Lace Sensors will fit, but also some Seymour Duncan pickups look like they will fit as they don't have that little triangular bit at the front... However, the cable still comes out the middle rather than on the side...

Anyone have any experience with this?
Hi Again..

I've since found that this question has been asked a few times now, and I've seen the responses to them...

However, I do have another general question about the EMG rout. Where is the cavity in the body for the wires to go through? Does it go through the middle like normal strat pickups, or on the side?

Yep, so that shows it with a pick guard... but what about rear rout... where does the channel go to join the pickups to the switch/pots?
Garf said:
Yep, so that shows it with a pick guard... but what about rear rout... where does the channel go to join the pickups to the switch/pots?

As you view the body (let's presume right handed) a deep channel drill bit is used to drill laterally from the top of the neck pocket, through each of the pickup routes into the control cavity.

With quick connect harnesses being larger than most of these pre-drilled holes, sometimes some drilling is required to enlarge that hole.  Some of these quick connect harness easily un-snap so that you can get the bare wire through there, then re-connect the terminals.  If you're ordering a custom body, you may mention that you're using such a setup and ask if they'll drill the hole larger for an upcharge.  I'm not sure if that is an option but it never hurts to ask and the worst they can tell you is "no".
Garf said:
Looks to me like Lace Sensors will fit,

The Lace Sensors will indeed fit... here is a Lace Sensor in an EMG rout:
