
Egg-Shell Blue as a standard colour? (+Other stuff)


Junior Member
It'd be awesome if you added the eggshell blue to the builder - A soloist in that colour would be awesome!

Will the virtual builders that you have on the Fender shapes be appearing on the other guitars too?

Option for binding with Stainless Steel frets?

More neon colours needed. (The eggshell blue would fit perfectly in the neon section)

More shades of green needed!

Fully custom inlays?

Different style carved neck joints? Like Ibanez style or the early Charvels.

Binding on guitars with contours?

3-way Les Paul style toggle availiable on all guitars? (In contrast, 5-way blade switch needed on all guitars too)

That'll be all for now. ;)
A number of people would love stainless frets with binding, myself included. I always buy stainless frets, and would love me some binding. I pass up bound necks because I must have stainless. But, the tangs need to be nipped and there doesn't seem to be a tool available that will do that more than a few times before it's useless. The way around that is to grind the tangs, but that's very labor intensive for a number of reasons. I'm sure they have the talent available to do it, but who's gonna pay the $200 adder it would probably cost?

Maybe they should offer it at that price, and if anybody bites, fine. If not, nothing changes from today. Can't lose either way.
I still say they should just forget tang snipping and slot thru the binding. people butch and moan about it not looking as good, but on most bound guitars done the snip way, thin cracks seem to develop anyway, more often than not. I can't imagine it would cost any more. all they does is put binding on the neck before cutting fret slots.
I bet the W guys just sit arround and shake their heads, " We can't please these people"
Oh, I'm sure they get a good laugh out of all this  :icon_thumright:

It has all been repeatedly beaten like a dead horse on the forum. There's nothing new under the sun.

But that doesn't stop me from chiming in when it comes up, just to see if we can't shake something loose in their brains.
B3Guy I totally agree, if we didn't whine once in a while, we wouldn't be good forum members.

Afterall if you want to get to the stars, you gotta aim for.....well stars I guess.