
Edge radius info absolutely NEEDS to be listed on the website !!

clearerphish said:
I do know that W is not supposed to assemble guitars for customers, and they clearly don't do that. I would assume the forum is unofficial because it is a discussion forum and W can't control the content as strictly as they can on the W site. However I just browsed the gallery and every strat has the headstock cut off unless the person used a warmoth headstock or gibson style. Weird. Even the pic I submitted of my strat has the headstock chopped off. Wonder if it's more because the headstocks say "Warmoth"

It's not what it says, it's the shape.  They sell parts, not guitars.  If they show a licensed headstock shape on a W body, it's implied they sell kits or finished guitars.  They don't.  If they say it's unofficial, then I guess it is.
Klark said:
Anyone else been screwed by the edge radius info not being listed on the website ??  I once needed two bodies that look identical, so I ordered a solid body and then later a chambered body.  Well since the info is NOT listed on the website on ANY page, I ended up with the solid body that has a broad very curved edge, and a chambered body that has the sharper edge.  Seriously?  Why is this info not mentioned ??   Warmoth chooses to give us detailed info on the pickup rout depth and the wiring channel of the Vintage Series Replacement bodies. but not one mention concerning which edge radius you'd be getting.

It is my understanding that Fender changed the edge radius so often that it's impossible to classify them by year.  50's were mostly the broad, 60's were mostly sharp, 70's were mostly broad, and I believe they've been on the sharper edge radius since the 80's.  So who knows.

It is also my understanding that you can order a standard solid replacement body with either radius, but the vintage bodies only come in ONE radius ??  Why?  Shouldn't it be an option??  And if you can only have the one, which ONE is it ??

Lastly, I have also learned that you cannot order a laminate top or chambered body with the broad edge radius.  This is understandable as the broader radius bit would have to cross-cut through the glue layer.

Whatever the case, and whatever the available options, they need to be listed and viewable!!!

Please get the edge radius's and edge radius options listed on the website !!!

I need a shave!!! Why don't Warmoth SHAVE ME?!? They should totally have a list of how to avoid catching public lice then this sort of problem would be avoided!!!
Thanks for the tip - note made to self to call Warmoth before ordering my first chambered body.


On the subject of edge radius, Warmoth actually published this in one of their early catalogues prior to having a website and online sales.  Perhaps they should include it again.

about the unofficial, I think that protects them from any bad advice we pass out. it also gives us leeway to discuss non Warmoth products and speak about Gibson, Fender and the rest without Warmoth getting in trouble,, I can see someone wanting edge radius, but feel a call to Warmoth can handle that, It would be like calling and asking for pickup route depth, I think 1 out of every 10,000 customers would be concerned enough to ask.
I really like this forum, it is nice for them to let us have it. I know it is a sales tool for them, but being a open forum such as it is they need to protect themselves, so instead of masquerading as a non aligned forum, they just come out and admit they are doing it but it is unofficial and not binding.

oh I just checked the gallery, and it seems the cut off headstocks are just on the Fender Looking guitars, Now I winder if that is in their licensing agreement?
Jusatele said:
oh I just checked the gallery, and it seems the cut off headstocks are just on the Fender Looking guitars, Now I winder if that is in their licensing agreement?
I would think that would be the licensing agreement. They can show non-fender headstocks because they are not covered by the licensing agreement.

Or, they could have logos on them.