Marko said:hahaha, the funny part is, he knew everything better. he was always talking about amps, rigs, tubes and tone,..... and then we found out he sounds like that :icon_biggrin:
I actually stopped reading his posts at one point, since they were so hard to read... lots of rambling and a LOT of spelling errors.
9 months ago
thise fo you who also dont kahler fixed 3310 custom bridge was serialised as number 35, wich means im the 5th person publicly to get one of the LAST american made american steel kahler 3300 bridges...number 25-30 went to kerry king. and 1-4 went to celebs. so eat shit you jelous fudge 6 cm cock stringer.
9 months ago
im not the shredder. the guitar is the ultimate shredder. my mom might be funny, but who cares. it makes no difference, this is a showcase and published guitar.
4 months ago
yea there is no locking nut bc its a custom fine tuner kahler bridge, its fixed location, there is no wamy on it. its just the kahler sytle bridge for adjustments and superior tonal quality for hte kind that it is, not to mention it is a kahler-fixed and there are some other types of metals and designs wich give it superior tone compared to moxed fixed, and some trems where u can dive bomb. i love it
Max said:
mayfly said:Max said:
Wow - those posts were hard to read! I liked the one where adding lead to the control cavity to balance your guitar did something to the magnetic field of the instrument at some RF frequency.
exaN said:HAHA thank you that really made my day
Marko said:who was the guy who posted a pic of himself, licking his own boob?
Street Avenger said:I think Ed Roman is a smart guy. He certainly doesn't know everything, and I don't always agree with his opinions, but I give credit where it's due. He does seem to be a bit of a snob when it comes to guitars, but I'm from the old EVH frankenstrat school of guitar thought. If it sounds good, and is comfortable to play, that's all that matters to me. Some of the nicest guitars I've ever seen are Warmoth builds. I don't care about all that snobbish "prestige" crap, but I have learned a lot from reading Ed Roman's website.
Twelvebar said:
first post in each thread will tell you everything you need to know, and why to never give him any business.
mullyman said:How could you get the image that they are douchebags? He was stealing from them. Plain and simple. I don't think any of the big name companies would stand for that.