
Duplicolor Clearcoat - How to best polish


Junior Member
Okay, I have about six (plus) good coats of Duplicolor clear on my headstock and it looks good.  Now, do I polish out with 1500 wet or is this best done with an automotive clearcoat polish? Or both?

Let it dry, and dry, and dry......

Hint - if you sand it, and it begins to pill and ball up... its not dry, probably due to the coats being too thick, and applied too rapidly.

Assuming its "dust sanding dry", you can wet sand it with 600 paper.  That will remove the texture and orange peel effect.  After that, just buff it out with compound.  I like Mothers mag wheel polish as the first compound, followed by Turtle wax white compound.  You can start with the Turtle wax, but it will just take a little longer.  Follow up the compound with  car polish... non silicone type... and you got a whole lotta shine goin' on.
Excellent advise.  The coats went on thin, but following the directions from DC I put one on after another, separated by about 30 minutes.  After that it has been in drying mode for the last five days.  BTW, there is very little if any orange peal.  As it the headstock looks pretty good.

Also, after the 600 would it be okay to hit it with 1500 before the compound?

Watchie said:
Also, after the 600 would it be okay to hit it with 1500 before the compound?

Ok, yes.  Waste of time, yes.  You dont need to.  Folks talk about going from 600 to 800 to 1000 to 1500 to 2000

Its a waste.  Just go from 600 or 800 right up to compound - with lacquer.  Poly... needs some finer first, maybe 800 to 1000.

you could also skip the sanding all together and do

3M super duty compound -> rubbing compound -> perfect-it finishing compound

finishing compound or scratch remover may not be necessary if you do a good job with normal compound

Turtle wax also makes a heavy duty compound (the red one), I would not recommend that one though as it is vastly inferior to the 3M super duty.
Will that level orange peel though?  I've never applied finish where some OP wasn't present

As a "newbe" to all this I have a few questions:

1.  With the wet sanding (600) is the goal to simply remove the orange peel, in effect taking the shine off in doing so?

2.  As to the polishing:

    - With the Turtle Wax red how what is the goal?  Am I simply trying to remove the swirls/scratches that resulted from the wet sanding?

    - With the Turtle Wax white, am I trying to get to a high gloss, or is this just a final polish to remove any remaining swirls, prior to applying a final finish?

3.  With regard to technique, the TW cans direct a back and forth motion. Is this best or do you suggest circular?

Thanks for any and all advise and direction.
have you ever heard of a product called ROTTEN STONE. My Grandfather turned me on to it years ago, it is really a killer polishing product.
But first, let that puppy dry for  week or two
Yep, the super duty compound is made for leveling orange peel.. with a wool pad and buffer it will level very quickly, works fine by hand too though

=CB= said:
Will that level orange peel though?  I've never applied finish where some OP wasn't present