
Drill bit size for fender pickguard screws


Senior Member
Got my pickguard placed and screw hole locations are marked.  It's looking like a 3/32 bit will be the right size but might be too big.  What bit sizes have you used in the past?

Use a bit the same size as the shaft of the screw without the threads.

Other than that, it should be obvious that all you have to do is try a few sizes out on some scrap wood.
I know this sounds odd, but good idea on the scrap piece of wood test holes, but use a wood that is a similar grain texture to your body wood, as my test holes for the tuner screws seemed right size as they bited with fairly tight fit, did three holes for my tuners with them, tested them, and the screw just sank in them no bite.. luckily two have been remedied and now need to somehow refill the other to make another smaller hole, but just word of warning for you
I use a 5/64" bit. Be sure to put a piece of tape or something on the bit at the depth needed for the screw so you not only don't drill too far, but so you drill far enough. Also, be sure to drag the screw's threads across some beeswax, a candle, or a crayon to lubricate the screw going in. This is especially important on very hard woods like maple. Otherwise, it's surprisingly easy to either strip the head screwing it in, or break the head off the screw altogether.