
Double F Hole Strats?

he used something called a Steekurh, not sure where you find something like that. paul may have invented it.
Gregg said:

YES!!! Warmoth!!!  :headbang: :hello2:

Now I'm feling guilty bugging them for a Chambered Carved Top JaggStangg with f/hole(s) 'cause now they just might do it! (And wow, that strat with 2 'f's just looks awesome!)

But I'm not taking out another credit card and buying one with money I don't have until I can see a picture of one first (Chambered Caved Top JaggStangg w/f hole(s) with maybe just a smidge more roundness in the North West A1 sector on a right-handed model  :doh:


P.S. YES!!! :icon_thumbright: when I finally get some money. Nor not but not NO!!! not until then :(
llmstratocaster said:
DangerousR6 said:
What about double f-holes on a solid body.... :laughing11:

Paul Gilbert found a way to do it. I am convinced the man is a wizard.

I think he just painted his f-holes on...


Though yes, the man is a wizard.
Double F-holes on a solid body wouldn't be holes. Unless they went all the way through the body, they'd be F-dents!