
Double F-Hole L5S Question


Hero Member
i've had a lot of trouble finding pictures because most have been deleted from their online hosting sites, and when i CAN find a picture it seems like it's a single f-hole body... i know warmoth doesn't route for controls on a double f-hole body, but does it still have a control cavity cover on the back? if not then it almost seems like it wouldn't be worth getting for me because i know i would be extremely frustrated with trying to fit switches and pots through the f-hole to wire them up. anyway if anybody knows for sure i'd love to hear. thanks!
ok, thank you! i thought it would be (and if not then it would be an add-on option) but this picture really threw me


i know it's a picture just showing the assembly process, but i couldn't find any other information or anything on them. plus i know control cavities on a hollow body isn't common practice.