
Does the brand of lacquer thinner matter?


Hero Member
I read reviews of Behlens Stringed Instrument Laquer on StewMac where the people say not to use hardware store stuff. They use the Behlens. What is your experience?
I use Behlen's Stringed Instrument Lacquer and I use generic lacquer thinner without issue. Maybe life would be better with their thinner, but I'm not sure how. Perhaps they put a bit of retarder in their thinner? I don't know. I mix my own retarder in depending on the situation, so I don't get surprised by the lacquer's behavior. I know they like you to use their sealer, as it supposedly behaves differently when cured to prevent crazing/cracking later on in life. I don't mind using that, just for insurance purposes. Plus, you don't use as much of that, so whatever premium you pay for its "specialness" isn't so bad. You'll go through a ton of thinner, though, so the easier/cheaper it is to get, the better off you are.
