I've been building a guitar for quite a while now and decided to upload some pics here to see what people thought.
Here's an old shot of the body
Here's the neck when it was first roughed out
Here's the headstock detail, It's cut that way because I am using a Floyd Rose Speedloader Bridge
And here's the nut
I'll try to upload a pic of the neck bolted on to the body when I actually take one.
Black Korina body
Gold FR speedloader bridge
EMG 89R neck pup
EMG 81TW Bridge pup
EMG PA2 active preamp
2 volumes with coil taps
2 tones
3-way toggle
all access neck joint
Wenge neck
Ebony board - straight 12"
Fat Trapezoidal neck profile
Gold Frets from LMII
abalone side dots - no face inlay
24 frets
Here's an old shot of the body
Here's the neck when it was first roughed out
Here's the headstock detail, It's cut that way because I am using a Floyd Rose Speedloader Bridge
And here's the nut
I'll try to upload a pic of the neck bolted on to the body when I actually take one.
Black Korina body
Gold FR speedloader bridge
EMG 89R neck pup
EMG 81TW Bridge pup
EMG PA2 active preamp
2 volumes with coil taps
2 tones
3-way toggle
all access neck joint
Wenge neck
Ebony board - straight 12"
Fat Trapezoidal neck profile
Gold Frets from LMII
abalone side dots - no face inlay
24 frets