Dimarzio Area 58's & 61 - Standard pick-up covers?


Junior Member
Hey Guys,

Does anyone know if standard fender strat pick-up covers will fit over a Dimarzio 58 and 61? I found a deal on a 58 but its in black and I want the pickups to be white. Ill deal with it if that's what it comes down, but I'd love it in white.

Thanks Guys
I think they come with covers that are riveted to the pickup preventing you from changing the covers.

I have a set in my strat, and I think if you tried to pull the cover off, you might get a whole lot of copper wire unravelling onto your lap!  Since it is a stacked pickup to reduce noise, I think the guts of it jammed pretty good into the cover, if not permanently attached to the cover.  I wouldn't mess with switching the covers.


(Disclaimer: I'm kidding, don't attempt to bleach your pickups)
I guess I'm late, but you'd better buy a set of appropriate DM covers (around ten bucks). I have DP409's and I can tell you it's easy to remove the covers w/o damaging the pups. But standard Fender pups won't cover the whole DM pups, cause these latter are taller due to their stacked bobins construction.