
Different tuners on a 32" warhead Bass neck?


Junior Member
Hi All,
My first post on this forum...I just ordered my first Warmoth Bass body & neck over the weekend.  :glasses9:

I ended up ordering a short scale raw Black Korina Jazz body and a 32" Warhead Goncalo Alves  neck/fretboard.

My question is:  Has anyone put any other tuners on that headstock other than the Schaller BML Lights that headstock is drilled for?
I would like to have Clover style tuners like Hipshot Ultralights  rather then the BML Lights.
I know the holes are drilled to 17mm on the Warhead and on the Hipshot site the Ultralight Clovers come in either 1/2" or 3/8".

Any input would be much appreciated...Thanks,

The 1/2" Hipshot Ultralite Clover Keys require an 11/16" Peg Hole, which is 17.4625mm vs. the 17 for the Schallers.  I was able to install them in a Deluxe 5 neck without issue, but I can't guarantee that this is a universal truth - you may need to do a little additional reaming to get the tuners to fit properly (again, thankfully I didn't).
Corey P. said:
The 1/2" Hipshot Ultralite Clover Keys require an 11/16" Peg Hole, which is 17.4625mm vs. the 17 for the Schallers.  I was able to install them in a Deluxe 5 neck without issue, but I can't guarantee that this is a universal truth - you may need to do a little additional reaming to get the tuners to fit properly (again, thankfully I didn't).

Thanks Corey!  I think it might be ok the go with the 1/2" Hipshots then..Wouldn't have to ream the holes to much if at all...I'm going to be re-shaping the Warhead headstock a bit anyway. I'm not a huge fan of the Warhead stock, so I thought if I re-shaped it a bit it would look a little better with clover tuners. Spent a little time printing, cutting and pasting the other day. I came up with what I think would look nice to me.
The one on the right: Looks similar to a Sadowsky.  :icon_smile:
TK4261 said:
Corey P. said:
The 1/2" Hipshot Ultralite Clover Keys require an 11/16" Peg Hole, which is 17.4625mm vs. the 17 for the Schallers.  I was able to install them in a Deluxe 5 neck without issue, but I can't guarantee that this is a universal truth - you may need to do a little additional reaming to get the tuners to fit properly (again, thankfully I didn't).

Thanks Corey!  I think it might be ok the go with the 1/2" Hipshots then..Wouldn't have to ream the holes to much if at all...I'm going to be re-shaping the Warhead headstock a bit anyway. I'm not a huge fan of the Warhead stock, so I thought if I re-shaped it a bit it would look a little better with clover tuners. Spent a little time printing, cutting and pasting the other day. I came up with what I think would look nice to me.
The one on the right: Looks similar to a Sadowsky.  :icon_smile:

The one on the left looks better.
line6man said:
The one on the left looks better.

lol..But that is the regular WarHead stock that I'm not to fond of...I wish they offered a regular Jazz headstock for the 30" & 32"  :sign13:
TK4261 said:
line6man said:
The one on the left looks better.

lol..But that is the regular WarHead stock that I'm not to fond of...I wish they offered a regular Jazz headstock for the 30" & 32"  :sign13:

They'd probably do a paddle 'stock if you called in your order by phone.
TK4261 said:
line6man said:
The one on the left looks better.

lol..But that is the regular WarHead stock that I'm not to fond of...I wish they offered a regular Jazz headstock for the 30" & 32"  :sign13:

Warmoth cannot license Fender headstocks for the shortscales, IIRC.

The one on the right is awful. You have a smooth contour on the right, toward the bottom, and then a sharp corner above it, and a relatively sharp corner on the left by the nut. It's not a smooth, flowing shape. Then again, I've never been a fan of headstocks like that anyways.
Don't ream anything.  The Hipshot 3/8" refers to the post size and not the actual O.D. of the collar.  The Hipshot 3/8" fit that ream and are available as a clover.  I've put 3 sets on a that ream with no problem.  And yes, the usual Fender headstock shape is only available for stuff that retrofits Fender stuff.  Since the 30" and 32" necks aren't conversion necks for Fender bodies, no go.
Thank you for all the input!
Great to hear opinions and great to hear the the Hipshot 3/8" Ultralights will fit the 17mm holes  :icon_biggrin:

You'll have a little slack with the 3/8" tuners - they require a 9/16" peg hole, which is slightly over 14mm (14.2875).  It was suggested to me to wrap the tuner ferrule in tape (which won't be seen).  Ultimately, the total difference is 1/8", so yeah, either should work out well for you.
TK4261 said:
Thank you for all the input!
Great to hear opinions and great to hear the the Hipshot 3/8" Ultralights will fit the 17mm holes  :icon_biggrin:


The 14mm peghead holes are for the 3/8" Ultralites.  And like Cory said, there will be a little slack.  However, that depends on the finish as well.  An unfinished exotic neck, they fall in.  A gloss finished maple neck, they have to be hammered in.
Timeout, re-do.  Discount everything I said.  For some reason I thought the short scales had the smaller ream.  Nope they have the larger.  You will need the1/2" Hipshots for that. :doh:
Super Turbo Jack Ace Deluxe Custom said:
Timeout, re-do.  Discount everything I said.  For some reason I thought the short scales had the smaller ream.  Nope they have the larger.  You will need the1/2" Hipshots for that. :doh:

:occasion14: Thanks..I was thinking there might be to much play with the 3/8" after double checking the mm size on the Warhead headstock. Mine will be unfinished so I think the 1/2" will work fine...Thanks again  :glasses9: