
Deep Blue LP - Finished 08/29/12 with last test video link

LOL.  Hondo.  I remember the first 'les paul' I ever picked up in a pawn shop was a Hondo.  My untrained 14 year old eye actually thought it was nice looking...until I realized the neck was on crooked (leaning to the upper bout).  Guess someone used it as a guinea pig for a neck reset.
Just realized that my stud holes aren't big enough for the TP-6 studs.  Going to have to bore them out.
TP-6 studs and tuners installed.  Just waiting for one more really big part, then real assembly can begin.
Time to share a new one.  Right now all I'm doing is aligning the nut, but I kind of loosely stuck everything in place to get an idea of what it will look like when I'm finished.

Few more pictures.  More things are 'nailed down' now.  Wiring is run, just mustering up the courage to tackle the electronics.  I took vocational electronics in high school, so I can operate a soldering iron in my sleep.  Still doesn't mean I wanna.  :P



Already done, actually.  :D  I just haven't had time to post pictures and video with audio.

The truss rod needs adjustment, I've got some buzz on the bottom strings past the 12th fret.  I'm going to have to get a tool for it.  That and my hands are busted up from changing a timing belt, water pump and brake caliper on my car (I rarely do that much work at once to a vehicle), so it's kind of hard to tell, but...best I can guess, it plays like a dream.  :hello2:
hannaugh said:
Gonna get a truss rod cover?

Shipping is kinda high for the single item, but if you put together an order of small fiddly bits, these Carvin covers are nice  - available in cream-black-cream, white-black-white, and black-white-black.  Pplus they'll engrave'em for an upcharge, I think, unless that's for full guitar orders only - call to ask.


First recorded amp test. 

There's some buzz past the 12th fret on the E, A and D strings, but I've already pinpointed the problem, with some tips from Cagey.  Sorry for my crappy audio. 

Oh, and the problem is that two frets that were not driven in all the way.  Will de-string tomorrow, get it in a safe rig and get out the rubber hammer.  :D

My playing is really NOT up to par today, I have just come off a 5 day automobile repair, water pump, timing belt and new brake calipers.  I inferred a deep cut on the inner joint of my index finger on my left hand.  I can't lock down my index finger very well.  Hurts a lot.  :(  That's the reason why I hadn't posted a video yet. 

Equipment it's plugged into: 
Marshall JMP-1 on factory setting 08, no effects
Marshall 80 + 80 Valvestate power amp
Marshall Vintage 1970s 4 x 12 cab


hannaugh:  Yes, I actually already have one.  Just haven't installed it yet.  Going to make adjustments to the rod first.  :)

Went to the luthier today.  All fret buzz issues ironed out!  But it didn't need fret work, at all.  The nut was too low.