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hachikid said:
guys, what is so difficult about stop posting bullshitee in here? stop. I've asked you guys, what, 5/6 times now? stop. stop. stop. stop. mods, do something about these asss who keep doing this shitee. I've asked them numerous times to stop, and they refuse.

You know damn well how the mods feel about situations like this.
They don't want you calling for mommy any time you get in an e-fight. Settle your own problems and self-regulate the forum.
It's not a system that I completely agree with, but that is how this forum works.

Seriously, you really don't seem to get it. You have to let this go, or it will not stop.
Just let it go and move on.
No insults meant in this post, seriously. Just my opinions here. I'm probably done posting in this thread after this just simply because I think this whole thing is stupid and has gone about 5 pages too far.

You just can't take people's musical tastes personally. I love a ton of bands that I'm sure people here would hate. I'm a huge fan of Thrice. If I posted a topic in all caps about how awesome Thrice is and somebody posted that they didn't care for it then I can't really get upset about it. As Cagey said, it almost sounds as if you're in the band since you're defending them so passionately. I bet if you asked some of the members of DFA they'd tell you, "Yeah, our music isn't for everybody." They're not going to appeal to everybody, so you can't expect them to appeal to a bunch of people who were so unhappy with the huge selection of guitars in the world that they had to go out and assemble their own. We're picky people here in the UW forum.
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