

Hmmm.  wonder what an AC 15 would sound like with fixed bias.  That would move it up to about 25W with just two EL84s...

.. kinda like a blues Jr but better.
I'd love to see what you could come up with. I probably wouldn't be able to buy one, but if I had the money, I would.
Nightclub Dwight said:
Anything can go wrong with anyone at anytime, but based on Mully's standup input over the past year or so on this forum, I'd feel pretty safe dealing with him on a guitar.

In the end a forum is a community, just like the community where you buy your bread, eggs, cheese and butter.  You get to know the people around you by doing business with them.  We're simply an online community.

Mully has always seemed very interested in helping people out, whether its on this forum, or the kids at the school where he teaches.   :occasion14:

Thanks, man. You know, just to give more info on myself for everyone...

I teach ESL (English as a Second Language) at a Catholic school in Japan. My school goes from kindergarten all the way through to high school. I am the only teacher in this school that has taught every single student here at one time or another. My hobbies are guitar, of course, and I used to play pool professionally. I dropped out of the billiards association back in 1999. At that time I was ranked number one in the prefecture and was supposed to go to the All Japan Tournament. The head of the association had been let go and the new guy that replaced him said straight out "Jim can't go to the tournament, he's not Japanese" Now, the way he said it wasn't meaning that only Japanese can join, it was more like saying that a black man can't go because he's a "n****r". I'm not black, just trying to convey the feeling of it. I got so pissed about that that I immediately dropped out of the association. I couldn't believe that something that I loved so much could have something so ugly associated with it. The other board members climbed his ass for it and got him to turn around on that but it was too late on my end. I wanted nothing to do with it. I didn't pick up a cue for almost 6 years after that. I'm back playing again but on a recreational level. I have no desire to get into tournaments like I used to.

Anyway, that's just a short clip of my life to let you guys know more about me. Along with guitars I have a small pool cue collection. All of my cues are custom made by very respected cue makers. If there are any pool players out there reading this, I have 2 Paul Mottey's, a James White, an 80's Tim Scruggs, and a Thomas Wayne. For 3-Cushion billiards I use a Kilby. I have 3 cue cases porper, Instroke, and a Jack Justis. I currently have a JB case on order, black leather and alligator skin. Should be here in mid July. Woohooo!!

Anyway, that is a peek into the life of MULLY.


So desu ne? A little to much Gaijin in you, eh?  :-\

On the upside, at least he seemed to be the only one with the issue - but like you said, not cool.

Hey, at least you got a killer amp!
