
Custom inlays


Hero Member
I know it's been said before. Yes i know design yourself inlays are not allowed, but would it be to much hassle for a neck with no inlays except for a XII at the 12th, like Epiphone Goth series,fret and a XXIV at the 24th?

This design has been asked for before and many posts including cool have been placed after it. Maybe add this one, or is it a legal thing by epiphone or whatever?
I think the best way is to get the 'no inlay' option and take the finished neck to someone like http://www.custominlay.com/ for example. I actually considered this route because I really wanted split trapezoids on my LP's neck but just a tad too much trouble I finally decided. OR, it may be that you have to buy the fretboard from warmoth, get it inlaid somewhere else, then ship it back to Warmoth for finishing.
Warmoth is probably not gonna start doing custom inlays, it's been asked and firmly rejected before. They try to save labor and avoid complex hand work when possible, as I've been told.
That seems like a very good idea but is a hassle for international customers, like me and will be pricey with the shipping(postage).
Maybe Warmoth need some new recruits.  :icon_scratch:

or i can just put a XII and more sticker there.