Curious any users of

TBurst Std

Hero Member
Mesa MKV 35 here?
Been pondering one for a grab and go solution (along with a simplistic pedal board)
Really have to play it for yourself, players either love or hate the M/B tone. If you're being swayed by all the different tones you can achieve, just know they all sound alike.  No, it doesn't sound like a real tweed.  No, it doesn't sound like a real IIC+.  No, it doesn't sound like a triple rec.  They all just "kinda" sound like them. But, if you DO like that basic, underlying tone, then it's a no-brainer buy
Honestly if I could dial in a good clean tone, either Vox or Fender based (or a blend: with the tubes and structure, vox would be closer), as well as a good OD tone (try to take the MKII side to MKI) I’d be good.

If I need truly honest specific tones, I’ll use my Fractal rig.

I’m moving soon, and in an effort to meet with and play with new players, I figured it be easier to have a grab and go solution than take the Fractal rig.
At 44 lbs. I’m not sure it officially qualifies as a “grab ‘n go” amp.  Have you checked out the brand new Quilter Aviator Mach 3?  Adjustable 0-200 watts, two completely independent channels,  1x12, 21 lbs.!

Bill, tgo
Yeah. I was looking at the MKV 25 at 20lbs less.  But I like the independent solo channels.  44lbs is ok.
That’s better than lugging one of my 70+lb QSCs so I can use my Fractal rig if there is no sound reinforcement available
Don't know if you've worked this out yet but the Mark V 35 is a very good amp. I re-sold my head after maybe a year, still miss it some days.

I think Wolfie summed it up real well, it's very characteristic of the general Mesa sound, but it's its own amp. Folks looking for say a dual rec or another amp substitute aren't going to quite get there. Sort of like wanting a Fender Twin but getting put off by the volume or size and buying say a Princeton Reverb. Princeton a great Fender amp with the Fender sound, yet different than a Twin.

That said, the 35 is total Mesa and still an excellent amp in its own right, I ran mine into horizontal 2x12 recto cab with the stock V30s. Selling it might suggest otherwise but it would be on my short list if I could only own one amp head and had no Fractal gear.

The cleans I liked better than any other Mesa I'd considered, and at the time I bought it I was specifically looking for a good clean sound that a) worked through my Mesa cab and b) let me try a new take on some surfy/spaghetti western stuff but with a different vibe than the tried and true Fender sound. The purist Fender way is a lot of fun but sometimes it just didn't gel with the rest of what I was doing, plus it's been done to death...

The V35 cleans are also pretty flexible and you can tweak them a fair bit between the Fat and controls, and they're a hair beefy and less glassy in a very good way. Again remember I was through a Mesa cab too and I'm trying to factor that in.

But I let it go, once I got the Fractal it displaced a number of things and I had a chance to get nearly everything back on Mesa. I would say there's a non-zero chance I pick another up at some point, need to see about our new house 1st. Would highly recommend trying one out it's really a nice amp and I didn't talk about the heavier sounds. 

One more vote for the Quilter Mach 3. I am very happy with the sounds I am getting. I should add it sent a Fender Princeton 65 reissue (modded) and a Fender Deluxe Silverface packing. I only kept a Marsh Buffalo reverb brownface 14 watt with a 12inch Weber Alnico Blue dog for a reality check every now and again.


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