
Creamsicle Orange


Junior Member
I thought they got rid of this finish because it was too UV sensitive or something like that, how come it's now back? (Love the colour, by the way)
SustainerPlayer said:

Sure is cheap  :icon_biggrin: :dontknow:

Yeah, I noticed that too. Either it's a glitch or they actually are giving it away for free, with notice of the UV risk. :dontknow:
dood if its free i am going to get it! on an alder body, but i woder what coler pickguard would look good with it on a strat?
Stratman44 said:
dood if its free i am going to get it! on an alder body, but i woder what coler pickguard would look good with it on a strat?
Parchment would look awesome on it.
Stratman44 said:
i bet you its because there clearing the stock. ?what doas the uv thing mean?

It bleaches really really fast in sun light. If I can I will find the thread with the guy who got one. Within like 2 or 3 days the color wasn't the same anymore. He took off some pieces he had placed and it was like the guitar was 40 years old the color difference was so drastic.
I cannot recreate this option.  What wood did you select and can you still see the finish?

It should not be there.
So yall think there doing it for free now or what? Knowing how good the ppl are at warmoth i think they fixed the problem and are doing a free thing on it. you know cause its like a sorry for the inconveinience kind of thing? :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
SustainerPlayer said:
I can't recreate it now.

Maybe it was glitchicle orange?  :icon_biggrin:

For the screen shot yesterday I just used the default options clicking "continue" until I got to the "Finish" options.  So something has changed since then.  :dontknow:

It does seem that the finish has now disappered, any Warmoth staff reading this who can clear this situation up? Also, if they are reading this, please fix the colour, I'd love a rear rout soloist or strat body with this! (Black hardware, angled pocket floyd rose with D-Tuna) :icon_biggrin:
Synderz said:
I'd love a rear rout soloist or strat body with this! (Black hardware, angled pocket floyd rose with D-Tuna) :icon_biggrin:

Except for a recessed Floyd I am with you on this.  :icon_thumright:

Each to their own I guess. :occasion14: