Next step, LB63-bridge install but some background info first. Have been using these bridges already before and I like them a lot. The bridge itself shares lot of similarities with the Gotoh Floyd Rose -version, which generally is considered as one of the best licensed Floyd Rose-bridge. LB63 has those piezo saddles, which can be utilized for acoustic sounds or MIDI, I use those just for acoustic stuff. That was the reasoning, why I originally started to use these. Stays great in tune but quite expensive because of those piezo saddles, additionally those saddles are teflon plated. It is in theory a drop-in-replacement for original Floyd Rose, actual reality can be little bit different. Personally I don't like the fact, how the original Floyd Rose and most of the licensed ones need a quite big routing area, when they are recessed into the body. Main contributor for this are the long string saddle locking screws, which to my opinion are unnecessary long. Schaller tackled this issue already long time ago with their great Floyd Rose-version, which is much more compact especially because of the different string saddle locking design.
So my approach to this project was to utilize the Schaller recess design, which Warmoth prepared for me but without the stud holes and change the original locking screws in LB63 to shorter ones. Leaving those holes out from the body had some extra cost but was necessary as with the default hole locations, this bridge would have had big challenges to intonate properly. Problem here are the piezo saddles, which are longer than the original ones, apparently GraphTech needed some extra space to fit piezos in. So in practice this longer design pushes the actual string crossing area of saddle forward, actually this difference is 3mm. To compensate this, you can try to move the saddles back or move the whole bridge. It is totally up the original bridge position, will there be enough intonation range. There seem to be at least two different measurements used for the anchor locations for original Floyd Rose and the licensed ones. 25 inch (635mm) and 25 1/8 (638mm), 635mm is not enough for LB63 but this 638 would work. Clearly for example Warmoth bodies are drilled for this 25 inch location.
Here are the first alignment studys with LB63-bridge using 34mm long locking screws and the Schaller routed body. Only the outer strings are used:
So it seems to fit nicely, although not pictured here also the sustain block has space inside the body and the piezo-wires are not blocked.
Here is a measurement from the nut, there seem to be enough room for correct bridge location, 648mm is the center intonation location.
So placing the anchor points exactly to the center of the shelf, we could gain this extra 3mm and the location would be about this 638mm from the nut. Here are some strange hieroglyps
What is nice with this LB63-design, the upper pivoting area is straight. So although the default distance between studs should be 74mm, this design allows also some tolerances in this area.
For drilling 10mm bradpoint bit is used, depth 20mm. Drill press definitely needed, as we are moving closer to the edge.
Studs and inserts are not actually from LB63, these are Schaller ones, which are to my opinion more robust and because of the finer threads, more precise to adjust. Also the pivot area is little bit thicker=bigger diameter, although the difference is small. Still allowing an additional adjustment possibility.
Those recommended 10mm holes with the maple top are actually too tight, I needed to enlarge those very carefully using 10mm Forstner-bit and push those studs in with drill press and candle wax.
Some pictures with the actual bridge:
This works