
Cool Tele

Well, not to poop in the punchbowl but a paddlehead as defined by most is an uncut head, which may or may not be configured with straight or crooked string pull.


Except with Warmoth's, you'd have to go out of your way to make them crooked, because they already drilled the holes.


Maybe you mean a banana headstock, AKA "hockey stick"... which is probably only marginally better as a boat paddle then it is as a non-locked-nut headstock. Straight string pull headstocks are an IMPROVEMENT, because people are all so much smarter than they used to be (insert fave politician photo HERE). We are all so LUCKY we are now able to buy guitars with all the features we want without being CRIPPLED by an old-fashioned inferior bad ugly crooked-string-pull headstock.
Yay!  :hello2:

And yes I KNOW you can pay $200,000 for an original Gibson Explorer with a crooked headstock. - but for $200,000 you could also build 157.5 straight-string-pull Warmoths which would kick it's sorry little out-of-tune tootchie all over the playground. Though all you'd need would be one....
StubHead said:
Well, not to poop in the punchbowl but a paddlehead as defined by most is an uncut head, which may or may not be configured with straight or crooked string pull.


Except with Warmoth's, you'd have to go out of your way to make them crooked, because they already drilled the holes.


Maybe you mean a banana headstock, AKA "hockey stick"... which is probably only marginally better as a boat paddle then it is as a non-locked-nut headstock. Straight string pull headstocks are an IMPROVEMENT, because people are all so much smarter than they used to be (insert fave politician photo HERE). We are all so LUCKY we are now able to buy guitars with all the features we want without being CRIPPLED by an old-fashioned inferior bad ugly crooked-string-pull headstock.
Yay!  :hello2:

And yes I KNOW you can pay $200,000 for an original Gibson Explorer with a crooked headstock. - but for $200,000 you could also build 157.5 straight-string-pull Warmoths which would kick it's sorry little out-of-tune tootchie all over the playground. Though all you'd need would be one....

When I think of a "paddle head," I think of a LP-style, with 3 strings on each side.  I guess everyone has a different understanding for everything.  :icon_biggrin:
Gittar's gotta be somethin' mighty special to survive our collective wit.... :guitaristgif:

...if four half-wits equals two wit, is that like a round tuit or does that, like more multiplicative (north of the e-quater)+


shiskamonga, it'sa pass mi bedtime!
StubHead said:
Gittar's gotta be somethin' mighty special to survive our collective wit.... :guitaristgif:

...if four half-wits equals two wit, is that like a round tuit or does that, like more multiplicative (north of the e-quater)+


shiskamonga, it'sa pass mi bedtime!