
Contour Heel and Modern Warmoth Neck


Junior Member
I have a modern Warmoth neck with the heel side adjustment truss rod.  I made the mistake of getting a Fender Tele body with the contoured heel.  Warmoth indicates these two are incompatible because the fourth heel screw will intersect with the side adjustment mechanism.

I found a 10 year old post noting a solution with a "ProAttach II" mechanism and found that piece online here:http://wheeldiamond.com/proattach_ii.htm  But it looks like they're not in stock and/or no longer available.

Any other solutions to this conundrum that folks have figured out?  What happens if you only use three screws in the heel joint?
Welcome to the forum.

As you have found out the two are indeed incompatible.

Outside of what you linked (which I am not aware of anyone else using) there is no solution to this that I am aware of other than avoiding the incompatibility to begin with.

The thread of NovaScootYa who did this is here and perhaps you could PM him.


It might be simpler to use the parts you have as the basis for two Teles rather than one as such a mechanism you are going to end up with a mod that is not compatible with anything else.

A Warmoth Vintage Modern Construction neck would work with the Fender contoured heel body as you would just drill an extra hole.

Using only three screws over time will potentially result in a weakened joint and in the short term would be non optimum for that particular design which is based on four screws.
Thanks for the quick feedback - much appreciated.

I was able to track down and contact the manufacturer of the "ProAttach" mod.  But he's no longer fabricating them.  I did PM NovasScootYa as well.

I'll likely try to track down another body without the contour.
Ok hope it all works out in the end for you.

And look forward to seeing pics of your build if you post them in future.