
Chuckle O' The Day

I'm thinkin' it all susses out like this:


Parts (including case!) - $1500.00

Some Ol' Wanna-Be-Has-Been Fart's Labor - $1500.00

Corquesniffer Tax - $2950.00

Booze & Cheap Whores For The Old Man Surcharge - $  50.00

Extra Asshattery Thrown In For Good Measure - $ 268.00

Further Wallet Raping - $ varies


GRAND TOTAL:  $6268.00  (strings included)
What an asshat this guy is, $350 for a rosewood fretboard.. :doh:  Pleeeeeeeeeese, I've seen a whole rosewood Warmoth neck for that price...

And I certainly didn't see anything that made those worth 6 g's...
Been a while since somebody posted a "chuckle link" to DeTemple's site...  I never could figure out wht the "'56 model" picture was a color not available then with tortiseshell pickguard?
Everybody needs to go to the site and click on "contact us" and leave a message in the "give us your feedback" link...I did.... :laughing7:
Alright, I'm all for the free market... but when you jack your prices up that high, you deserve a b!tch-slappin' and lots o' ridicule.

I mean, c'mon!

This ranks right up there with those corquesniffer "audiophile amp" balsa wood knobs for $400.00 ...
Superlizard said:
Alright, I'm all for the free market... but when you jack your prices up that high, you deserve a b!tch-slappin' and lots o' ridicule.

I mean, c'mon!

This ranks right up there with those corquesniffer "audiophile amp" balsa wood knobs for $400.00 ...
That's why I said this "Everybody needs to go to the site and click on "contact us" and leave a message in the "give us your feedback" link...I did"....
How is one to tell it's not just a standard bone nut from the fosilized ivory?

And just my 2 cents: doesn't this just continue the illigal ivory trade by making people think that ivory is some how better than bone for musical instuments? I seriousely doubt it's any better or going to change the way it sounds that much at all.
