
Cheeep body


Junior Member
Hello everybody. I've been impatiently waiting for the millwork to be done on my new project. In the meantime I bought a special priced neck and body from warmoth. The body had been on warmoths showcase for a very long time. Can you guess what the wood is? I'll give you a hint. It cost 129.00
YES! POPLAR! I was going to paint it until I saw it. I've never seen flame on poplar. I put a coat of clear on it and the figure was amazing. The only problem was the color. Bloated corpse green. A little inkjet ink and lacquer made it look pretty nice I think. WHODUTHUNK POPL:AR!!
Wow.  That REALLY doesn't look like poplar!  Well done.  Please give us more details...
Very nice indeed. Going a little heavy on the "red" will often neutralize the poplar greens.

I am so jealous of people who can do nice finish work. I have ruined way too many things in my day trying to do my own finishes. I just don't get it unfortunately. Oh well, that's what pros are for!